
Why is there death and water in my dreams?

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In one of dreams my brother died in a tornado. In an other I could see my husband and kids being swept away by huge waves.




  1. maybe you drowned in a previous life and your brain is picking up signals from your soul or maybe you are being warned to be weary around swimming while not being prepared    

  2. Oh man, tornadoes AND waves? That's a sign that you're going to get raped. Go get a gun license.

  3. Your dream is just relaying your fear of losing these people to tragedy. In dreams this is usually portrayed in a really weird way. I used to have the same kind of dreams about my family.  

  4. tht is very freakyy....

    its gotta be fear of those things. try listening too sounds wen you go too sleep nothing with water... maybe lightening storm or simple soft music. if u focus on the music itll clear your mind and possibly improve your sleep if u have been sleeping unpleasantly

  5. well wateer means money so ur husband bein washed away can mean finacial problems

    sry im not to sure wat tornadoes mean

  6. It may be due to a recent change in your life either that or something big that has happened recently.  

  7. wow. that's scary. hmm, maybe you are paranoid about something. did something happen to you recently? or if your having family problems... u should go to sleep with happy thoughts and confidence in yourself and your family and don't worry about this or it'll become worse

  8. most dreams we have are about ourselves.  Think of the others in it as


    Death in a dream means change.

    tornadoes and storms generally mean some kind of trouble ahead.

    swept away by huge waves; is something in your life feeling like it's

    out of control?

  9. Because your life is a twisting mess that's out of control?

  10. Contrary to the frightening nature of your dream whenever one dreams of death or destruction, it is surprisingly a good thing. Water though, tends to signify death, but death is eternally connected to life in the metaphoric world of dreams. So, this may mean that you or someone very close to you will be expecting a baby, that a signifigant change will take place (probobly something good) or that you are clearly under tons of stress from your family (even though you love them) and your mind is crying out for relief. Try to relive this stress with time to yourself, try talking to your family about the dreams or even purchesing a dream dictionary.

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