
Why is there even a debate from the McCain camp that another terror attack would be good for America?

by Guest10992  |  earlier

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One of McCain's advisers joins a long list of neoconservatives propagandists and politicians, including Newt Gingrich, who continue to politicize 9/11 and say that we should have another terror attack. What are your thoughts on this?;_ylu=X3oDMTFlNXJnMmFrBGlpZAM4OTk3Mzk1NzE5ODc3NzAzMjYyBG5vaAM1BHBvcwM0BHJpZAMxMzc0MjQ-/SIG=13e5kd1a5/**http%3A//**http%253A//




  1. It would raise the Republicans' chances of getting elected and further the cause of occupying the entire Middle East permanently.  Why would they not be dying for another attack, they need Al Qaeda just as much as Al Qaeda needs them.  Ironically I think that when it happens the Democrats' fear of appearing weak is more likely to see them over reacting to a greater degree though.

  2. Sure, McCain's camp is the one who's politicizing 9/11. The Dems never claim that terrorism is more hype than anything else, right? Both McCain and the guy who said it have apologized more than once. Why do you accept apologies quickly from Obama, but no apology is good enough from the Republicans? Not a double standard, here, eh? I haven't heard any such thing from any other politician, including Newt Gingrich. Just this question's wording is politicizing 9/11.

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