
Why is there global warming hysteria since studies show the world has been cooling since 1998?

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Lord Christopher Monckton, a policy advisor for former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher during the 1980s, says the former vice president can enjoy his "flat earth fantasies" for a few months, but in the end, the world will be laughing at him.

"The alarmists are alarmed, the panic mongers are panicking, the scare mongers are scared; the Gores are gored. Why? Because global warming stopped ten years ago; it hasn't got warmer since 1998," he points out. "And in fact in the last seven years, there has been a downturn in global temperatures equivalent on average to about [or] very close to one degree Fahrenheit per decade. We're actually in a period ... of global cooling."




  1. Not colling...but...relativly stable for the past ten years except for the past cooling...Go away Al !!!

  2. I don't know WTF is wrong with people just accept that the d**n Earth is Warming, Our fault or not.

  3. Mass histeria..... To get you to buy things you don't really need.

  4. What "studies" are you referring too? Because I'm pretty sure if any scientific studies were published that concluded the world has been cooling since 1998, that I would have seen or heard of it.

    Even your link article, doesn't mention anything about any study?


    Mark Anthony - John R. Christy is a scientist and he DOES agree that anthropogenic global warming is real.  His disagreement is not in the validity of the basic theory, but in the misuse of it by some extremists that make claims well beyond what the IPCC report says.  In fact, Christy reportedly helped write (and of course signed) the AGU position paper on the subject:

  5. Do you think they would tell you or us it would start apanic !!!!!We will have cooling and heating but we do have some effect on mother earth!!!

  6. Well, nobody ever of accused Monckton of being a good data analyst...

    Since you guys are too lazy to do he work on your own, I'll do it for you (don't worry about paying now, you will be billed automatically). The trend since 1998 (using the GISS data, the HadCRUT data show a smaller trend, but it's very similar) is approx. .02 ºC per year, so it's certainly positive and the result is statistically significant. Here's a plot of the data, I used the yearly anomalies rather the than the monthly anomalies to get rid of some of the noise so we can see the trend better, and also because I'm lazy (excuse my crappy spreadsheet skills):

    This result is statistically significant, but it doesn't mean this trend is meaningful. It could just be a trend in the random weather fluctuations over the past five years, and not a long term warming. All the same, we can be sure of one thing: claims of cooling have been greatly exaggerated.

  7. Because although the last decade has been cool relative to the last decade it has been warm relative to the last century.

    I think making Lord Monckton your sole guidance on scientific matters might not be especially brilliant thinking on your part.

  8. The reason hat you still find hysteria is that the majority of readily available and easily accessible media incorrectly advertises that anthropogenic climate change is an imminent threat to mankind. Many people are not bothered to properly investigate and analyze the data and eject false but widely spread data to their family and friends which endorses anthropogenic, CO2 based warming. They believe that it is common knowledge and they are often hard to contradict because of the moral bounds that are associated with global warming. The idea of "common knowledge" is scientifically irrelevant, as history details. The Ptolemaic system was supported for years until the Copernican heliocentrism principle was accepted.

    I endorse the 1500 year cycle, which is a proven climate theory, after tracking thermal fluctuations over history, that documents that natural variations in temperature occur approximately every 1500 years.

    When mean temperature increase is caused by these fluctuations there is a release of CO2 from the oceans, which hold an estimated 95% of the sum CO2 on the planet. There is then a consequent increase in atmospheric CO2 levels, but CO2 increases do not seem to directly impact on temperature. In fact, to find the valid conclusion you must inverse this theory, i.e. temperature increases have a direct impact upon atmospheric CO2 levels.

    As for sea level rise due to icecap/berg melting, this theory can be disproved by an extremely simple scientific experiment. You simply place ice cubes in a glass, measure the water level, allow the ice cubes to melt, and stumble upon the following conclusion: the water level remains the same. The effect of thermosteric heating upon the oceans would have effect, if the temperature were currently rising.

    The warmest decade on record over the past century was the 1930's, which also held 4 of the top 10 warmest years on record for the past century. Obviously, due to smaller population sizes and decreased technological innovation anthropogenic CO2 release was minimal in comparison to todays levels, from which it could be concluded that there is in fact no correlation between CO2 increases and temperature increases.

    A final point, CO2 layering in the atmosphere is similar to the layering of black paint against a window, it has a diminishing effect. The first layer of paint will block sunlight to a total of 85%. The next layer might make the sum blockage 95%, the next 97% and so on. The effect is dramatically diminishing, and so will have less and less effect as time passes.

    But this fact is rendered irrelevant when you realize that CO2 increase has no effect upon mean temperature. One of my major concerns about this issue is its transformation from a scientific and an objective issue to a political and subjective, sentimental issue.

    When reviewing data scientifically it is key to remain objective and stick to the facts. The inability of the general populace to differentiate fact from propaganda is a major concern for me.

  9. horse manure

  10. because the liberals often want us to believe them for their own skewed agendas.

  11. reality & logic can have no effect on a fundamental religion like agw.

    their religions dogma is that rising co2 levels cause global warming. so since co2 levels are continueing  to rise it follows that temperatures have to be rising, & if the thermometers dont show it its because satan is changing the thermometers. turn your back on satan ,dont read his blasphemy!

  12. There must be a hysteria now because if time continues with no warming, or continued cooling, people will be less inclined to follow the vocal minority of the believers.

    Then they will be seen as the fools that they are.

    Clearly the data from NASA does agree with your premise that the Earth is cooling.

  13. Because your premise is wrong.  No studies have shown the planet has cooled since 1998.  Just look at the data - the average temperature has continued upward:

    Monckton as you note is a policy advisor.  He has no edcuation in climate science.  To be blunt, I don't care about his uninformed opinion on the subject.

  14. Because, if they stop the hysteria, then there precious money dries up. Al Gore needs to income to feed his expanding girth.

    Many will say the temp is still increasing, but this is obviously not the case. Of course, we should expect current decreases since the sun is in between cycle 23 and 24.

  15. The hysteria is in the popular media.

    The professional peer reviewed scientific literature is the only reliable source on the topic of Global Warming.

    A good place to start is with the IPCC reports (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

    The popular media makes irs money the same way the supermarket tabloids make their money.

    That is by printing alarming and shocking stories to attrack readers, listeners and viewers.

    Like the supermarket tabloids, the truth tends to get stretched almost beyond recognition in the process.

    If you want to know what is really going on in this field I recommend that you rely on the peer reviewed professional scinetific literature and not the popular (tabloid) media.

  16. Dear Smartypants,

    Your information is not quite correct, and neither is Lord Christopher Monckton's. There are 20-30-year cycles of cooling and warming.that have occurred for centuries, something every geologist knows.  

    But what's happening now is different.  The ice cap really is melting, and huge masses of the cap are breaking off at an alarming rate as of the last 2 years.  Forget Lord Monckton's quote during the '80s--if anyone's going to laugh, it will be at him.

    What does all  this mean?  It means that as these ice masses (ice islands) float towards warmer waters, they will melt.  As they melt, sea water levels will rise.  If you live on the coast, especially of Texas, worry about your home.

    But worry too, about our food and fresh water supplies.  Both marine and land animal migration patterns will be disrupted.  There will be less land available for grazing cattle (which has long been artificially subsidized in the west) and less land for crops (including 'corn', the mythical bailout for our energy crisis).

    Take global warming seriously--listen to the experts, not to Lord Christopher Monckton.  For your children's sake.

  17. no. 05 was hotter then 98 and the 5 year average is still rising.


    if you find the line of best fit on that data you will find temps are increasing very slowly

  18. "I've often heard it said that there's a consensus of thousands of scientists on the global warming issue and that humans are causing a catastrophic change to the climate system. Well I am one scientist, and there are many that simply think that is not true."[6]

    John R. Christy is a climate scientist whose chief interests are global climate change, satellite sensing of global climate, and paleoclimate.

    I guess he is not legitimate scientist because he made this quote.

  19. I agree with Dana as well.  In fact, it is embarassing to even give your ridiculous question and false remarks a look over.

    Why do people like you try to make a point in what is an attempt at a scientific discussion, and you never provide any real evidence??

    Please, if you can prove Global Warming is not real, and we shouldn't even be giving it another thought, then by all means, give us something, anything, we want to believe like you do ("We and the planet are safe, nothing to see here, everything which happens with regard to our ecosystem and climate is 100 percent natural, we can't do anything to mess with it, global warming is not real, everything is normal, etc.")... Everyone will be happy to know it has been disproven... but until then... please go away and stop trying so hard to impede progress in this area which is so very much needed, not just from our governments, industry and corporations, but from each and everyone of us, and soon.

  20. On this, I have to agree with Dana. The "global warming hysteria" is still there because there has still been warming.

    Edit: Gengi, your link is outdated by a year. Go to Jello's link.

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