
Why is there homeless(not talking about the one that choose to be)?

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kids starving not enough food to go around But you have ppl making billions and would never ever spend that much of money in their life time(their kids great great great can kids wouldn't/cant even spend that much of money basically is it me or economy is F*&ked up, why is it that way like can someone explain that to me.




  1. I can explain this!  Its our country, culture and the society we live in.   We don't live in a socialist country where the money is spread out.  It won't ever change and it will only get worse

  2. It is the free market.  The law of economic nature, the fittest survive and the rest perish.  Well not quiet, but many billionaires are giving away money to help people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.  Many billionaires and trying to help the planet also by supporting alternative energy and green projects, so I most certainly welcome this.

    The problem is that when you become a billionaire you don't like people trying to take it away from you, you prefer to give some money yourself.  I think it is good that people can become billionaires if they can, through their entrepreneurship, it encourages others to progress.

  3. There are homeless people because resources are not equally distributed.  There are enough resources for everybody because the resources have not been equally distributed.  This is not a paradox; this is history.  As I see it, people act greedy when they FEEL insecure. When enough people believe that there really is, and will continue to be, enough for everyone, the problem will solve itself.

    Until then, we can work to make more resources available to those at the low end.  Maybe by making more housing. Maybe by making housing available in smaller packages.  Develop prosperity consciousness in yourself.

    Yes, the economy is messed up. The billionaires do not really have billions.  They have control of how billions are spent by various businesses.  The trick is to convince them to spend their billions in such a way that everyone benefits.  Show a businessman a way to make a profit from affordable housing and she will make housing affordable.

  4. It's basic math...if someone is working 35-40 hours a week at some sorry a.s.s.  job where he is being squeezed like a lemon by mid management and clears 350-400 a week ---after food,toiletries, 4dollar a gallon  gasoline etc etc in the h**l is he/she going to pay 500-600 or 700 a month in rent??   yup it's the free market--survival of the greediest....yes this economy is F*&ked up....and don't forget the 650 BILLION dollars spent [ or earmarked] so far for the war in Iraq [this last installment was for 162 BILLON.}  Get ready--you will be seeing more homeless folks in the near future....on the news this morning the reported that this was the worst June for the stock market since 1930!!   this fool is going to get us into a depression.

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