
Why is there is more loud, ghetto, and angry black women, as opposed to years ago? read the details?

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btw i am black-

and people of all races can be ghetto, angry, and mean- i've ran into whites and blacks who have fit in that category-

not all black women are ghetto, angry, and mean but some-

but it seems like when i travel in places like liberty city, miami, queens, ny, etc- i run into many of them- maybe its economical reasons-

but i've ran across many who are like this-

i just don't get it-

they become argumentative, rude, short patience-

when you don't agree with what they say- they cut you off-

not all are like this-

but it seems like when i worked my summer job in miami i ran into so many-

they called me rude names like high yellow- and then said i didn't have a lot of hair and i wasn't that cute-

then everytime i said something they disagree with me-

and it wasn't one woman but 3-

i didn't even say anything about my skin color or hair- i dont think i am better than anyone else because my skin is lighter or hair is curlier and longer- because i am not- even as light as i am- i am black!

another woman at my job complimented me on my job about my hair and said it was so cute and curly and i had a lot of hair- she said i had good hair-

and then this darker skinned black woman starts saying i don't have a lot of hair- says i am not that cute- i am high yellow- i asked her how much hair she had under her weave- not as much as me and she got angry- and tried to change the topic- i fed her with the same rude spoon as she fed me- i am nice but she is rude- some serious issues of jealousy and anger-i asked if her hair was natural and she said yes- then i said strange isnt it you'd think a hair stylist wouldn't have to wear a hair weave-

needless to say- i dont understand why some are like this-

it makes them so ugly- to be so rude- mean- argumentative- negative-




  1. Heyyyyyy.....I'm from queens and I'm FURTHEST from ghetto :(.

    Not cool, dude, not cool.

  2. It adds to their "rep", I am half Black saying this. I used to live in Atlanta (I moved, I lived in Atlanta back in 2004), a lot of the girls there just ripped on everyone that passed by, even in the hallways. In public I would see those some girls calling every racial terms, one fat Black girl called some Indian (India) man a Terrorist and said "AIYO everyone watch out for Osama Bin laden! He gon bomb dis place down!". What REALLY had me saying "HUH" on that was

    1. It was a public place, like the Mall and it was a footlocker

    2. The girl's mom was standing right next to her laughing!

    Now I know why there are so many Whites out there that hate us. I have seen those type of women catch attitudes. Also, I have seen too many intelligent African American females to think all or even majority of the women of my race are like that.

    The problem is poverty, it applies to ALL races. I remember one time when I was in Detroit, in a McDonalds waiting on my friend to get his order so I could go home. One White woman with 2 kids slammed the door open and said "MOVE THE F*** OUT THE WAY!" to some kid. She had no manners what so ever and this made me realize that poverty messes up all races. I had the same experience in New York. This was in MANHATTAN now, a good theater, I accidentally ran into a Puerto Rican female (seemed like it by her accent and her saying Spanish cuss words "p**o" left to right). She got so mad JUST FOR THAT. I got called a "B****", she said how she gonna hit me, (she kinda did but I pushed her, rude of me but I was 16 at the time), and then she got loud and mad for no reason.

    Most of us (BLACKS), ok lets face reality, about 40 percent of us are in the Ghettos, and it is sad but hey we are improving our way out of it. Unfortunately, those 40 percent seem more like 90 percent in a big city setting. In Seattle a lot of the Blacks are friendly compared to those in Miami. It is the same with Whites and Hispanics. As for Asians, they only make up about 4 percent of the population, not that significant.

    Poverty makes people into monsters.  

  3. Don't abandon your morals to fight with someone that is so rude as to refer to you as yellow. You have more class than that. Don't let them get the best of you. In the grand scheme of life, they mean nothing.

  4. you're not black!

  5. Wow! I have seen the type of black women you are talking about and it makes me sick. I am not light-skinned but women like that hate on me too. I think it's out of jealousy that they are rude to you.

    I have seen a lot of snooty light skinned women too. So, complexion is really not the issue nor is race. I have lived in a predominantly white area for several years and have noticed that white women in my area are rude and obnoxious. They make me sick too!

    They cuss and swear in their mini vans screaming, "I'm an American!" They cut you off in traffic and give the finger. So  I see both as equally offensive.

    With the type of black women you are referring to you need to stand your ground.  You need to go sistah girl on them and walk with confidence. For example, yesterday, I had to register for a class and this big rolly polly black girl got in the elevator before me and tried to close the door before I could get in. I brazenly pushed the elevator door open and said to her, "Why are you acting so stupid? Don't ever do that again!" Although, I am petite, I was not afraid of her. BTW, she was a big 'high yellow' woman with arm fat.

    I had to show her who the boss was. Stand up for yourself. Don't worry about keeping it real. Have you ever seen Chappelle Show when keeping it real goes wrong? :) Just don't generalize like that. You give the haters power when you do that.

  6. Because black people are basically going backwards when it comes to evolution. A couple more decades and they will be back to apes.

  7. It's just plain ignorance.  I know how you feel.   Black people like this turn my stomach.  I'm black and I left NY years ago to get away from all that.  I now live happily in Tucson around whites and Mexicans.  My advice to you is to get out of the ghetto.  Ghetto people will only bring you down.

  8. It's all about ignorance. If they knew better they'd do better. I'm black and I'm completely sick of this ignorance. I plan on moving to a civilized part of town very soon. I'm getting out of dodge to live around normal people. I want to get away from the unattended children, running loose in the streets, the all night crackhead walkers, and the constant sirens.  

  9. liberty city? da h**l? u from grand theft auto?

    besides i kinda like loud women...dey aint borin liek that fruity looty ooty cooty killa killa rilla illa..

  10. The more ghetto the area the more ghetto the people that live there.

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