
Why is there less respect in the classroom?

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shown by students to their teachers?




  1. There are several reasons for this

    1.) Their upbringing

    Many children are not really being raised by their parents.  Instead, they're being "bought" by their parents.  Whenever the child wants something, he/she gets it.  This teaches them that they are in charge.  Often times, parents work a lot and feel guilty for not spending as much time with their kids.  So, they buy them off instead, because they're too tired to deal with the kids.  Therefore, the kids do not learn respect at home.

    2.) Changes in education

    Believe me, I'm all for student-centered education.  Yet, many people are looking to new changes in education as the be all and end all of everything without considering the flaws.  Teachers go to a lot of trouble to adapt to the students, which teaches them that they are the most important people.  Yes, they are important and so are their needs.  However, they are going to have to learn that the world does not center around them and their "needs" are not always going to be met.  More and more, they are expecting education to be "fun," "cool," and all about them.  When it is not, they have a fit.  I feel as though they should learn to be thankful for the work their teachers do for them. It's getting to a point where they feel entitled to it.

    3.) I firmly believe our public education discipline system is not strong enough.  We are so set on "granting opportunities" to kids, that we do not treat them like normal human beings. If any person acted in the workplace the way many kids act toward their teachers, that person would be fired.  Yet, the student receives MAYBE an in-school detention.  There are no real consequences.  In other countries, such behavior is not even tolerated.  We put up with way too much of it.

    4.) The media that these kids value is also teaching them this behavior.  Pay attention to the way teachers and parents are portrayed on shows that come on the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon.  Teachers are ALWAYS portrayed as foolish people who do not deserve respect...ALWAYS.  The only "cool" teachers you see are the ones who could not possibly exist in a real school.  The way adults are portrayed in those shows is vastly unrealistic; however, the kids do not think that far.  These things DO enter their minds and (whether they believe it or not) impact the way they think.  Additionally, the things they see on MTV do not foster respect.  They watch shows with spoiled 16 year olds who boss adults around and get their way.  I see so many kids trying to live up to that now.  Spring Break shows people being rowdy and getting away with it.   These are their role models.  They will live up to be what they watch.

  2. There is less respect generally in society for everyone and children learn what they live.

    Many parents over indulge children and do not expect them to use any manners or show respect.

    Society has removed all power from teachers, so children know they can do what they like with little consequence.

    Children have more rights without any responsibility.

  3. Because day by day people are intolerant and what show their Independence, domination over the teachers. and facilities are there to learn without teachers guidance. these are all the reasons

  4. Because maybe a student is trying to impress his or her fellow mates in class by being disrespectfull and not obeying the teacher

    I hope ur not experiencing that, if you are its normal and nothing personal

  5. Your question is really vague. I have no idea what country you are refering to or anything, but I'm guessing that since teachers are no longer allowed to hit their students (in most places) that may be one reason.

  6. Today's society is one of disrespect.  Just watch any TV program targeted for the youth and you will find rude behavior, hurtful pranks, crude language, bigotry, and hate.  Listen to today's "Pop" music and "Rap" and the message is hate, casual s*x with numerous partners, guns, drugs, expletives, killing, illegal acts, disrespect for police and authority figures and on and on and on.  It is disgusting.....

  7. Because students know that they can do what they like and teachers can do nothing to stop them, because if they try all a kid has to do is shout 'assault' and the teacher gets suspended.  They hold all the power now and they know it.

    Of course, you are generalising and there are lots of students who do respect their teachers - if they deserve it.  Some teachers don't, as I'm sure you'll remember from school.

  8. There is less respect in a classroom cause kids have not been brought up like the last generation ,they had nothing to play with and there was not any toys,But today generation have the computer and they learn from it any subject which they wish because of this the students behavior in class is disrespectful cause they think they no more than the teacher, and that what he says is a repeat of what their computer showed them when they were  studding on it

  9. Because schools do not disclipline the students and they know they can get away with it.

    Ask any teacher here or anywhere else, they are on here all the time asking in desperation what to do about bad kids because the administrators will not disclipline them.

    The reason they don't is, if they do they won't get money from NCLB.

    It's all about the money.

    Why do you think there's so much bullying, fighting, and KILLING in schools?

    Becuase the schools do NOTHING about it.

  10. It's just a facet of the main problem - there's less respect EVERYWHERE. Parents, teachers, police - anyone in a position of authority (be that real or percieved) is now the object of ridicule and resistance.

    Partly, this may be due to some people in authority who have misused it, thus degrading their own positions and those of others who follow them; and partly it might be to do with parents not disciplining children at a young age anymore. Thus, when children encounter discipline (at school or wherever) they don't understand it.

  11. every1 has lost there moral values. if u dont want this first u start respecting ur teachers others will follow u.

    if u r indian u will understand this" guru govind dono khade kahke lage pair guru aap hi to balhari dio batay"

  12. There is less respect from young people for all authority not just teachers.

  13. they try to show off and be cool to other students.

  14. Because teachers are too scared of the consequences of punishing a student properly nowadays. Parents of unruly kids think it is OK for their children to cause havok and run amok in schools, and when their reprimanded/punished by the teachers, they raise h**l.

  15. Parental influence is not as strong on a lot of children, plus the fact that teachers are barely even allowed to raise their voice today, for fear of being reported.  which means they have no way of asserting themselves.

  16. Because the Bible is taken away from schools!

  17. There is a lot less respect in society now than there was 20 years ago.  I am a teacher, and I watch how some of the parents let their children treat them.  I know that if I had acted that way towards my parents, I would have been reprimanded right then and there.

    I also know from experience that a lot of the respect is not required at home.  So when you as a teacher as for support from home to assist with a behavior problem, lots of time it is turned into "not my child" or "it must be your fault if you can't control a class."  It all boils down to the lack of respect in society now a days, which filters down to the children.  

    What I do know is that I will be raising my children to be respectful to adults, being they are teachers, friends of their parents, or adults in the general public.  There is no reason for rudness....

  18. Because the punishments don't add up to anything.

  19. Peer Pressure

  20. The government have tied our hands and handed too much power to parents many of whom would swear in court that back was white to spare their brats any responsibility for their own actions. Not that I like to rant!!

  21. I think that there is a decline in respect for teachers in society, which trickles down to the parents and then to the kids. My son knows that he better not disrespect any of his teachers. He also knows that they will tell me if he does.

  22. i don't know, but i totally get what you mean. i just graduated last year and sometimes i was shocked by the way my classmates would treat the teachers. they were just plain mean sometimes. i had a teacher break down in tears and quit once.

    i honestly think it might be because they get bored, and then they have this adult trying to tell them what to do and it pisses them off, so they're rude to alleviate the boredom. but i don't know.

  23. ask the parents.

  24. cause they think theyre cool

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