
Why is there moral disagreement about abortion? 10 POINTS

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Why do you think people have different views on this issue?

Most detailed and well-reasoned answer gets 10 points!

Hehe. Thanks. I'm curious, I have my opinions and thoughts as to why, but i want to know what YOU think.




  1. I think abortion is something that the woman and the man need to decide what is best. I understand about the womans rights and its her body and I agree  but I also think the father should be involved somewhat.  

  2. Not the most detailed, but simple.


    Free will, you ask three people about this subject and you will get 4 answers.

    Why do people have different opinions on music, art, history, the stance on euthanasia or the death penalty?

    Individuals are individuals precisely because we differ on points like these.

    Morality in general, like free will, is no more than a shared hallucination.

    It only exists because we're taught it exists. We are products of our upbringing, our genetic code, our circumstance.

    Moralitas means 'proper behaviour'. But who says so?

    What's proper for one circumstance may not be proper for another.

    A few favourite quotes...

    "There's no grey area's, just white that's got grubby."

    "Grind up the universe and show me one atom of justice, one molecule of free will, then tell me it exists."

  3. I think abortion is wrong. But that is just my opinion. You shouldn't kill an inocent fetus just because of a mistake YOU made. Even if it is hardly even alive, it's still wrong.

    I am not judging other people's opinions, i am just giving my own.

  4. I think people have different views on abortion for several reasons.  First, people have different opinions on when life actually begins.  Some poeple think it is immediately as soon as the egg is fertilized and some think it is when they are born.  Second, I think that a person has to decide if they think it is a life, if they are willing to end that life, and what will happen to them if they do.  

    I personally struggle with the abortion issue....i think it is a sin, and you will be judged by God for it, but I'm not sure if I think that the government should be involved in a womens choice either.  I also think there is a difference between someone who has been raped or has a medical problem and someone who uses it as birth control or because their child won't be perfect.  

  5. Some people look at abortion as a way out. Others need it for medical reasons. Medically I could understand why it should be done.

    But with  teens who turn up pregnant and want to rid of their baby cause of their mistake is just murder. That baby didnt do a thing why should it have to suffer cause the mother just wants to rid a mistake that will always be there. Baby or no baby.By the time most people find out they are pregnant that baby has a beating heart beat.So its little life has already started.And killing a life is like killing a human being.

    There are different views some of which ill never understand. I believe abortion is just peoples easy way out. Im personally against it.

  6. I think the answer is pretty simple, actually.

    A)People that believe in this apparent "God" that's going to save us all believe that abortion is murder.

    B)People that understand that it's scientifically impossible to have someone drag a cross for miles (for no apparent reason) and then NOT allow us to eat "fruit" off of a tree (what were Adam and Eve supposed to eat; a Big Mac???)  + the fact that there are 2 OTHER apparent Gods out there realize that it's only a form of government to keep the people in check.  If there were a God, one of the 7 Billion people on this polluted planet would have Seen Him by now, dontcha think??  A government doesn't put dynamite in their own buildings and blame it on a foreign invader across the OCEAN if it believed in God!!!  Simple as that!!  If these people that blew up the WTC KNEW THAT THERE WAS A h**l, they would NOT have done it!!!!!!!!!!  

  7. The moral debate has to do with when life begins...Pro-lifers say at the moment of conception and pro-choicers believe it's when the fetus can sustain life independent of it's mother. Until the fetus can sustain independent life, it is just a parasite living off of a host....

    A lot of the views are religion based and as we know not everyone in the world shares the same religious views. I think forcing your religious views down someones throat is wrong and judgmental...

  8. i think some people believe that life is an obligation or right, while some people believe that life is a gift. they're just conflicting thoughts.  If you believe that life is an obligation then it doesn't really matter if a person is happy or miserable.  they're alive and they should continue living because   (it's the rules, because they said so, whatever reason).  If you believe life is a gift, then you're more likely to try to make it a good gift for people.  The unborn and the already born.  

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