
Why is there more variety in eye color and hair color in Caucasians than in other groups?

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Why is there more variety in eye color and hair color in Caucasians than in other groups?




  1. Well I don't know the answer for sure but I have a thought.  Due to environment Caucasians can have very light eyes and hair, which of course is not always the case but does occur quite often as opposed to say Africans or Southamericans who tend to be very dark due to sun exposure.  Since dark hair and eyes is a dominant trait, mixing the lighter features with the dominant ones cause a variation in genetics, causing expression of dark or light eyes, or shades in between.

    So Caucasians tend to have a wide variety of genetics involved with their hair and eye color, but this is changing because people of all races and cultures are mixing with one another.  At some point in the distant future there might be a decline in the variety of hair and eye color because the gene pool may be completely blended, but this is only a theory.

  2. When you need protection from the sun, you are restricted to brown and dark brown.  When you that is removed, it allows some colors to show.  The ancestors of Caucasians likely have had more time to develop more variation in a northern latitude.

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