
Why is there no Canadian team in the NFL?

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There are, after all, both canadian and american teams in the NHL.




  1. because their is more excitement in the cfl,  and less whining teams, less holdouts, players play when they are on a team, and keep within the laws pretty well

  2. Because American football as played in the NFL is not a Canadian sport. Canadian Football is a Canadian sport. As a matter of fact it is a very different game. I would suggest reading up on it. Hockey is a world sport and very popular in Canada and Canadians want to pay money to see it. So it naturally makes sense that there are NHL teams in Canada.

    BTW: The CFL is a huge part of Canadian identity. There will not be an NFL team in Toronto. Also there is a large fan base for CFL football in Montreal. The team is called the Alouettes.

  3. Because the CFL is afraid that the NFL would run them out of business and now they are trying to get the Canadian government to block the NFL from going to Toronto. So the NFL will probably  never come to Canada.

  4. We have the CFL, & our rules & field are different.

  5. because they are totally different leagues its like saying why are there no NBA teams in the NHL

    they are owned by different people

  6. There are several cities with large enough populations:

    Vancouver - too close to Seattle; only get about 25000-30000 fans per game for Canadian Football League's Lions

    Montreal - lack of suitable facility; not a huge football fan base

    Toronto - stay tuned... will have a team by 2012

  7. because canada sucks at football and doesnt deserve american football

  8. They barely support 1 baseball team, I'm sure the thinking is that they couldn't find a place that would consistently sell out 65k + seat stadium.

  9. We have a Canadian Football League, why would we also want to be in the No Fun League?

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