
Why is there no F in Cod?

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Why is there no F in Cod?




  1. I often wonder that myself.

  2. Because the trawlers have virtually fished the sea's dry .. !!..xx

  3. Cos it's been fished out. There's F in Haddock though.

  4. i just put my finger up my @rse and sniffed it, and it was discusting!

  5. Why is there no G in Carrot, who knows these things!

  6. Because people didn't want an F in Cod.

    Can anyone answer my question and the link to the other question that I asked in my question?;...

  7. Hahahahahaha

    Why is there no F in Elephant??????

  8. The dictionary is a bit of a scholar-thing.

  9. Hooked on Phonics did nothing for you, did it?

  10. theres only one f in fish!

  11. There's plenty of F in Cod in the freezer.

  12. Coz there`s no F in cod left; right?

  13. Why curse? If you wanted some F in cod why didnt you just say so?

  14. because grasshoppers eat sardines

  15. Why would there be?

  16. it wouldnt be called cod then would it, why isnt there a hit infront of the s in your name

  17. 'cause it's not spelled Cfod or fcod or cofd.

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