
Why is there no UK olympic football team?

by  |  earlier

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We should put together a team, even just a bunch of amatures.

Sod what the clubs or the premier league think!




  1. Hope not - how many embarrassmentss do you want?

  2. The United Kingdom isn't a country, the same way that 'Britain' isn't a nation and that being 'British' doesn't make sense as a nationality as nationality means pertaining to a singular nation. And i don't think the Scots and Welsh would be too fussed about representing a 'bastardised nation', i know us Irish don't want to be anywhere near you.

  3. It's a shame that England isn't in the Olympic football tournament.  That allows countries like Cameroon to win the gold medal.  The fact that Cameroon won the gold in 2000 shows that Olympic football is a joke.

  4. There is no olympic team because the Scottish and Irish FA do not want to risk losing their national status.  There is nothing stopping the Welsh and English FA sending a team but they wont.  

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