
Why is there no bad news about China these days in the American press?

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More specifically, does anyone know of ties between the PRC and the American press that would cause bias?




  1. Maybe because.......................nothing bad is happening?

  2. I agree with the first answer.   People have short attention spans and they want something different, besides where better for TRUE facts but at home where floods and fire are making the headlines.  Why do you care about anywhere else?

  3. Because maybe the saner elements of the American press and those who have journalistic integrity have come to realise that the China threat idea is nonsense.

  4. because China is the new IT country like beyonce and miley

    the U.S is the trainwreck like britney spears.

    China is really topping the charts this year!

    but I heard president Bush is with the help of Obama and Timberland trying to make the U.S have a comeback

    They will have a fake fight with the Spec army.

  5. Something bad is happening somewhere almost all of the time. But government censorship causes pullbacks on stories that make them look bad.

    The Chinese would not hesitate to expel or threaten to expel reporters who step too far out of line. And the restraints are especially strong due to the Olympics.

    As for the "American" you might remember that Rupert Murdoch toned down the news on his Hong Kong outlet because the government didn't like it. Remember he also owns Fox News and the New York Post.

    Murdoch and Fox helped Bush with his fabrications on Iraq that have proved so costly to us. Had Bush wanted it done differently -- Murdoch would have it so.

  6. we have too many of our own problems right now

  7. The Olympics are coming up. Not a good time to rock the boat.

  8. I thought this to be very funny as well.  I watch BBC news and they always talk about China.  My guess is that the governement is trying to keep the U.S. public unaware of China becoming the next superpower or our president is making deals with China that he wants to keep hush hush.

    China is taking over the world!  They flagged down many parts of Africa and recently Peru!

  9. You don't go spreading bad news about your creditors. They may want their money back.

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