
Why is there no cure for MDA yet?

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Jerry Lewis has been holding telethons for MDA since I was a little kid and a lot longer than that I'm sure. He's probably raised billions for this disease. So why isn't there a cure yet? Where does all that money go? Just wondering ...




  1. I worked for MDA for many years. it is complex because muscular dystrophy there are several forms of it. there are mild forms and there are really bad forms of it. It is a genetic disease so testing for these things and finding cures is virtually impossible with changing once genetic structure. Many children with the more rare bad forms don't live long enough to ge the best medical treatments. The money goes to the kids. medical bills easily run in the millions for most with MD it is a very hard thing for families it also goes to things like summer camps for the kids that attend every year. You should volunteer next summer to be a counselor and work with these kids. It is an amazing feeling when you see a child that has had just a terrible life in and out of hospitals to have a fun week at summer camp. it costs about 10000 per kid to send them for a week. all tat money goes to good use i assure you. They are working to find a cure but until then they work to give the kids a smile or a break from there hellish reality of being confined to a wheel chair there whole life. I definitely think you should call your local MDA and see what you can do to help. They thinks its awesome when a young person wants to hang out with them. Volunteer to work the telethon its fun and easy.

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