
Why is there no men studies option at yahoo, at universities, and explored in media?

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Whoops, typo alert, should read Why are...




  1. Women's studies isn't necessarily feminism as a lot of men here unfortunatley think. When you learn history, watch the news etc, usually a man's perspective is shown. Women's studies simply shines light on something that is usually ignored. In short, everything that isn't women's studies is men's studies so there's no need to give it a name.  

  2. I can't stand feminists but it's juvenile to play this t*t for tat game. Men control most things or at least we have for a long time, I'm sure everyone can agree to that. Since that is the case then there is no need for men's studies.  

  3. I didn't used to think this, but I really think that there needs to be more balance in our education system. The feminists have got away unchallenged with promoting their whacky version of equality for way too long. Men (and women) need to be more aware of what feminism really means, and men especially need to know that their rights are being flushed right down the pan (e.g. see Section 4 here

    I think that either Men's Studies should be allocated the same funding as Women's Studies, or that part of every WS course should represent views that are opposed to feminism, by non-feminists. It is normal for university courses to present arguments for and against a case, but WS is a very weird and special case that presents a one-sided and highly political/emotive/ non-rational view of gender issues. I know this from personal experience having studied gender modules as an undergraduate.  

  4. We don't need to be brainwashed to know who we are or have other people tell us what we are and how we should be. If you are emotionally inferior due to estrogen, you need these support systems.  

  5. This section is called GENDER and women studies. Its not just WOMEN studies! So its open for both men and women studies issues (even though its mainly used to discuss women).

    Out of the two genders, men have never been oppressed, degraded, dehumanized, or belittled on the level that women have throughout history. There are study option at universities open for those who want to learn about the history and the struggle of women. There doesn't really seem to be a demand for learning about the history of the "struggles and oppression" of men.

    Why do you think universities offer options in Black/African American Studies (and other ethnic studies) and not Caucasion studies... the same principle applies!

  6. Academia has determined that specialized studies must focus on those that have been oppressed in history. Hence, you will never find Men's Studies, White men's studies, or Caucasian studies in the Western World.

    It is the same reason why only white straight men are the fodder for ridicule on  TV series and commercials. (For example, a Wyndham Hotles tv ad states " Studies show that men are more than twice as likely to feel guilty about being on vacation as women" then after showing vacation spots ends with " Proof that women are smarter than men"

    Imagine if the genders were reversed. Imagine if the study showed that blacks felt more guilty than whites?

  7. Try asking again, but giving some details -- what would such categories and studies cover? (At the Forum, staff responded to this question regarding this site, they said that all the things the person wanted Men's Studies for fell naturally under other categories.)

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