
Why is there no rugby on tv?

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here in america u never see rugby games on tv or even hear about it.but all u hear is football football and more football but no rugby.i love rugby i used to play.are there any like special channels that u can watch to see rugby?




  1. You have my complete sympathy--it must really suck not having rugby on TV over there. The channel that most of our rugby is currently on (super 14 competition) is the Sky Channel. No idea whether you can pick that up in America, but if not you could perhaps try streaming it online? I have no idea if that will work, but it's the best suggestion I can offer. Good luck!!

  2. that's because rugby is a uk sport, and therefore, not american. my sisters boyfriend plays rugby, and there are a few leagues in the states. several in ohio, coincidentally. but he plays professionally, so he plays in ireland. there is the ocasional game on t.v., but no channels that i know of.

  3. bro that would suck i dunno coz i dont live there but u could ask ur broadcasting pepz or sumfin

  4. U.S. doesn't want rugby to out do football. It wouldn't happen anyway but still. The only channel you can get on is Sentana sports and thats only if you have direct tv.

  5. I'm from New Zealand, and when I was living in the US for 4years I used to watch rugby on the channel "Setanta". They had all the big test matches etc.

    Check out your cable provider and you should be able to purchase that channel.

  6. the setanta channel has rugby and is on directv- its an extra $15 a month.  its worth it.. as long as you have a dvr- most matches, if live, are on during the wee hours of the morning.  they have a lot of soccer too, which im not into, but they play a lot of the 6 nations, heineken, magners league, premiership rugby, irb 7's.  they also have league rugby, australian rules football.  

    Versus channel (used to be outdoor life channel) is on cable and has some rugby... or at least they did during rugby world cup 07.  (they show a lot of extreme sports, some hunting shows, hockey, and ultimate fight matches)

    i was really disappointed that ESPN or ESPN2 did not not even report the scores or highlights of RWC '07!  espn does have a spot on their website to comment .. i suggest letting them know how you feel!  ( )  they do have link to now from their website.  it just kills me to see a spelling bee or scrabble competition on espn SPORTS channel!  i throw things at the tv when i see that c**p!!!

    i believe that the reason there is no rugby on TV here is because of the lack of advert time in rugby games.  Basically, a football game has a break ever few minutes.  i timed a game this past fall... the ball was actually in play a whole 6 minutes and 32 sec!  during rugby matches.... theres no break for 40 continuous minutes... that means no commercials.  there have been more ads printed on the rugby fields and you'll see all the sponsors on the jerseys of the rugby players but theres no way that makes up for the millions of $$ made in ads.  its just financially more sensible to the stations to air amer. football than rugby!  

    but hopefully as the popularity of the sport increases, there will be more demand!

  7. Rugby is an ancient sport from england, it is like football and I think it's because it is only showing in Europe.

  8. eurosport2 gives one match of french top 14 every friday, and fox sports gives rugby league matches. also tv5 gives world champs and other important tournaments.

  9. NFL suppression....

  10. When I lived in the US, most international games, if not Super 14, were telecast live by Fox Sports - I think on FoxSports 3. This was available on the various satellite systems eg Dish TV, but not cable at least where I lived in California.

    Good luck, bud.

  11. over here in australia its the exact opposite

    all ya hear is rugby rugby rugby nd we neva hear of gridiron or anything

    but suppose i love both my rugbys league [mainly] nd union

    so if ya want rugby come ova here to australia

    have a few beers with the mates nd sit back nd enjoy

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