
Why is there not a "men's studies"?

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Why is there not a "men's studies"?




  1. because we are very simple creatures. very easy to figure out. at least most of us anyways.

  2. they tried it once - nobody showed up due to lack of interest.

  3. You got to realize that in past men had the golden opprunity to do anything but that was only with white men and not black men.

    Black men and woman and woman in general were getting bad in them days. But now a days woman have a kinds of right now and can do whatever they want to do.

  4. Frankly, I don't understand the need for a forum dedicated to the study of a single species, let alone a forum labeled "Gender & Women's Studies."  It's sounds almost like "Gender & Polar Bear Studies;" rather silly in my humble opinion.

    A question and answer forum dedicated to the discussion of social issues should be far more narrow in it's scope, i.e. women's history may be covered in a history forum, men's health has its own venue as does women's health.  Issues related to dating are available elsewhere in Y!A.  Issues related to human medicine and/or alternative medicine can be found elsewhere on this site.

    Anthropology, Psychology and even Economics are social sciences which are readily available under the same heading as the G&WS section.  So frankly, the only justification for such an awkwardly named forum which falls under the heading of a "science" where there's virtually no rigour involved in posing and/or answering questions is that there is a large contingent of users (which translates into user-traffic/revenue for Yahoo!, Inc.) and in my opinion, this group is the feminist community.

    There is a Biology & even a Zoology section under Science & Mathematics, but I don't understand why a single forum would be so awkwardly named in the interest of studying a single species (unless there are secondary revenue-driven principles involved).

    NB:  The above is a statement of personal opinion and I don't have source information to validate the above assertion.

  5. In two words :



    Edit .. lol men simple.

    Ofc they are - men (not discounting women here) happen to have some very deep thinkers in history. Ever tried reading plato's the republic? Or coming to realise how the day dream of riding a light beam gave birth to the theory of relativity (based more on the realisation of how the concept of it effected understanding of so much else)?

    Your trying to tell me this is simple?

  6. Because women can relate more to a class about themselves and men want to be in whatever class women are in.

  7. I really wish I knew. Think about it. There's Latin studies, African studies, Social Studies, and others. I'm going to go out on the limb on this with my opinion. We (guys) are, a relatively easy study. As indicated by several well known stand up comedians, there are three basic motivations for men. In no particular order they are: eating, sleeping, and s*x, and none is more important than the other. 'Nuff said.

  8. Women's Studies was created as an alternative to the traditional academic curriculums which were already male-centric. At the time this discipline was created, most history and social courses were, in effect, studies of men. This was meant to be a way by which to correct the bias in academia, and reflected the feminist movement of the time.

    Now the category does seem a little outdated, and there is an emergence of Gender Studies that does in fact include research on men and male matters. I know it's easy to knock Women's Studies, but I think if you look at the cultural climate the time it was created, it was necessary. But now as we are well into a new millenium, it perhaps seems less relevant and we need to think of discussions of gender and power in new ways.

  9. This is interesting.  A female asking why isn't there men's studies.  You'll get a star from me.  It's really an easy answer to the question.  I'm guessing you mean as a curriculum in school.  Men are not that difficult to figure out.  Some of us are selfish, egotistical twits and some of us aren't.  It's that simple.  However, a woman changes from day to day.  That is why there is a curriculum for women's studies.

  10. Only studying men would be considered sexist.

  11. seems simple; we only study minority studies, in general anyways. women to men, women are the minority. blacks to whites, blacks are the minority. thats, in a nutshell, anyways, why we study these topics over others. we tend to show more of an interest in things that we know less about.

  12. Regular history, literature, etc IS men's studies.  That is what women's studies is a response to.  What is generally taught main-stream is about dead white guys.

  13. Because men thinks it's sexist.

  14. no need for silly, made up, academic positions for men.

  15. I haven't seen one feminist here support that.  Hmm and I thought they were for "equality?"

  16. Heh heh, do you understand what socialjusticeforall said? What she said means that men have done almost everything in the world, except for that little bit which is credited to women in "Women's Studies." Nice going, socialjusticeforall. Free air pressure check at the local gas station.

  17. Because all it would involve is beer, women, cars and p**n

    Lol nah thats a tough one to answer

    Although over here in New Zealand the government has a Ministry of Women Affairs Department and yet there is no Ministry of Mens Affairs Department

    Go figure

  18. For men, that would be generally not revelant or interesting at all.

    What the h**l would we post there lol.

  19. Someone tell Y!A, I'm sure they'll consider it.

  20. Most schools actually call it "Gender Studies" and males are certainly part of what they study.

    But actually, in academia there are actually a few areas of men's studies: history, science, political science, literature, engineering... how many female scientists, canon authors and political leaders can you name?  Probably a few, but it's no where near the same number.

    It's not an intelligence issue-- It's an access and cultural issue that's only beginning to be worked out.

    This is like asking why there's no White History Month.  Every month is White History Month in western culture.

    And it's true that patriarchy oppresses men too.  That's why many men and women are feminists-- they want to have choices.

  21. There are prevailing attitudes that it is unnecessary to have a men's studies.

    You all should realize that women in the past were not "oppressed" any more than men were. Both sexes had designated roles. That was due to necessity. The harsh world made those roles a necessity. You are all aware of women's hardships and their obligations. Men had as many or more obligations. They were oppressed by their obligation to work in dangerous jobs to feed their families, they had to be prepared to bleed to death on a battlefield to defend their loved ones.

    Men still are "oppressed" by those obligations while women have choices.

  22. Because men suffer from INFERIORITY COMPLEX and the have not defended their rights.

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