
Why is there not thought about Queen Phillipa and Queen Charlotte?

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Why is there not thought about Queen Phillipa and Queen Charlotte?




  1. They are far to boring to write about.

  2. in what respect?

  3. I presume you mean Phillippa of Hainault and Charlotte of Mecklenburg. What about them?

    Edit - Phillippa was born in Flanders and was the great granddaughter of Philip III of France, so she was certainly not black. It is thought that she got her name from her eldest son "the Black Prince", a famous warrior who got his name from his black armour.

  4. Are you referring to the fact that Philippa of Hainault was known as 'The Black Queen' and Charlotte of Mecklenburg was reputed to be quite dark skinned?  I can't see any other connection.

  5. if you are referring to the myth about them being black, there is absolutely no evidence in phillipa's family tree and charlotte's "black" ancestor was a sephardic jew, possibly from what is now iraq.

    if mourana gil had any "african" blood at all, (and there is no evidence that she did) it would have been moorish i.e. arabic, not *******.

    where do these ridiculous stories come from?

    there are lots of brown skinned peoples in southern europe who are nevertheless europeans.

  6. You will need to make it a little clearer what your actual question is.

  7. I dont know, but I have never heard of them.

  8. Huh?  If I knew who they were, I would probably be interested to read about them.....

  9. It will be a black day when volumes are written about these two old timers.

  10. who are they?

  11. They were both a very long time ago and neither were the basic royal blood line. ( i.e. They both married into the Royal Family, as opposed to being born into the Royal Family.) Sadly those who `marry in` are usually  considered to be an `out-sider,` not a true Royal. Also the fact that they were not white skinned would have been held against them, in times past people were not as liberally thinking as they are to-day. They would have been arranged marriages not love-matches and in such cases once the marriage ceremony was over, they were pushed aside and `forgotten`. Their activities and their lives would not have been recorded by the scribes and court courtiers and they would have been considered unimportant. Thus history would have been deprived  of a great deal of information about them.

    Bearing this in mind, there is very little about them for people to think about. There is only so much time for a school child to be taught the history of their country, so naturally, they are taught only the most important facts  of the times. These two queens, obviously were not considered important enough  to get a mention! I was not taught about either of them in my school and did not even know of their existence, until I studied history as a recreational subject once I was an adult.

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