
Why is there only 16 games in a regular NFL season?

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Why is there only 16 games in a regular NFL season?




  1. 16 is enough for all those guys go through.

  2. Why would you want there to be more? 16 games means every one of 'em counts; unlike baseball, where a mid season loss out of a 162-game schedule is meaningless.  

    But anyway, the average life expectancy for an NFL player is 22 years less than that of the average American (as a result of what tom has said).

  3. because it is a very intense sport, where careers at certain positions such as running back don't last for much more than 10 years in some cases. having more games a season would drastically increase fatigue and injury of the players, and reduce their careers by a number of years.

  4. The players take so much abuse that I don't think they can handle much more. You got about 2 weeks of training 4 weeks preseason 17 weeks season including the bye and at least 3 playoff games(if you go that far) so that make about 6 months of abuse.  

  5. How many games would you like them to play? 162 like in MLB? 11 or 12 like the NCAA? 82 like in the NHL? How many games do you think they should play?

  6. Because if they played as many games as in baseball or basketball, there wouldn't be any healthy players left.  Because football is so brutal and hard hitting, players need the week in between to recupperate.  Plus the bye week for the same reason.

  7. well you can't fit many more in maybe just 1 or 2 and then you would have people playing almost year round they already don't end the season until mid February (the pro bowl) and then camps start in june

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