
Why is there "safety in numbers"?

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Why is there "safety in numbers"?




  1. i think of it like, when youre walking alone by yourself youre mostlikely to be kidnapped than if youre walking w/ five other people... or like you would rather pick on someone but when they have someone to back them up, you prolly wouldnt.

  2. cos yo frends got yo back

  3. because if your alone you have to be able to run very fast,but when you are in a group you only need to be faster than one of

  4. Because in the wild, predators look for animals that are alone, sick, weak, or young. It's the same in the city. When you are with more people, the chances of you being the sick or weak is decreased and any predator has to decide who to attack and often times will just give up.

  5. Safety in numbers is a result of the collective strength derived from mergers - the group as a whole is stronger than its members taken individually.  There's a Filipino proverb regarding this, comparing a group to "walis tingting", or broom made up of sticks (actually ribs of coconut fronds).  Each stick is snapped easily if by itself, but together with others become impossible to break.  

  6. I know I am being completely contrary here.

    But I can think of another angle,  irrelevant to the topic of security..  

    Math is a pure science.   It always gives us an amount or a force certain by which we may judge future actions or decisions.

    Unlike actions or decisions arrived at only by sheer instinct.

  7. The more, the more probability.

  8. witnesses as well as the chances of it happening to you decrease in the size of the group for example(tigers after gazels)

  9. because there are more people around you, more people to back you up.

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