
Why is there so many Jonas Brothers questions?

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I mean come on.. i like them, but im not a stalker or obsessed.

and i am not saying every question is not important, but ones like, Will he marry me? and Do you think they would think i am pretty? Those are just annoying, we DON'T know what they like, or don't like unless we have heard it from them!? Anyone who agress with me answer, and if your going to say I LOVE THEM SO MUCH YOU ARE STUPID, then go back to staring at them for hours at a time!




  1. I'm tired of all questions pro or anti about them.  

  2. Because there are loads of dilluded fangirls who think they will have Nick Jonas' babies...and there are also very stalkerish fangirls that want to know the Jonas Brothers favourite moon phase

  3. ugh i know how you feel. L Mean its obvious there not really gonna marry them when they don't even know them!usually the fangirls just like them for their looks,then there are other that just like them for their offense 2 the jb fans But L Think They Suck!but that just my opinion.  

  4. I love them, and I agree with you. Especially that "Mrs.Jonas [PRO JONAS] " Person. She asks questions like " WHAT'S THE JONAS BROTHERS FAVE MOON PHASE??" and "DO YOU THINK NICK JONAS WILL MARRY ME?" It makes us fans seem like crazed, obsessed people. I think if people are going to ask a question about the Jonas Brothers, they should at least make it a good one.

  5. i agree.. i like the jonas brothers too but i'm not obsessed with them

  6. i completely agree with you. i'm a big fan, but some people are just SO ANNOYING. and most of those girls are probably like 14 and younger, so they don't have a shot in h**l anyway. heck, even people like me who are their age don't have a shot in h**l. i don't understand why people obsess over them- just like they say themselves, they are just three brothers from jersey. sure, they're talented, good guys who are incredibly cute, but that's where my obsession ends. i wish people would focus on more important things, perhaps the election or something? they deserve more normal fans like you and i.  

  7. I love the JB! I think their music rocks and I am a guy! :)

  8. i totaly agree with you i think that a lot of people ferget that the jonas brothers are normal people like you and me so they idolize them.i also think that there are too many jonas brothers questions.i think the easiest thing to do is convince those people that the jonas brothers are normal every day people who have problems and lives like us and they they'v no hope in h**l of gettting near them

  9. Because they're all dumbasses and Dale, your kinda creeping me out.

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