
Why is there so many fast food?

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It bad for our health right?




  1. its cheap and many people are willing to fill their gut for About $5 without thinking about their health  everyday  

  2. Yes, fast food is junk food.

  3. I guess people have no time to eat something proper so they will eat anything they can get fast!

    ...and yess!, its bad for ya

  4. With fast food, you have a lot to choose from. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken etc. Unfortunately fast food is very bad for your health, espeically if you eat fast food all the time.

  5. u mean, 'are', and yeah its junk, but since most people love it, so i dont think anything is wrong, i mean, if you dont like going, dont go. simple. and Yeah, i love fast food

  6. There are so many because people but from them, supply and demand. Fast food is simply, and well fast. Parents with little kids or people constantly on the go, quick breakfast to go, and so on. Yes, it is bad for you but that doesn't seem to be taking any huge effect on the demand for the restaurants.

  7. yea but if u like it then why not, whats the point in living your life eating healthy food that you might not necessarily like - u only have 1 life right -- LIVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. People like to believe that healthy food is not that tasty and that it takes ages to prepare. It's actually sad because it is a myth and some of the greatest quality time in our household is when preparing tasty and interesting dishes together. We would only buy take-aways once a month.  

  9. Because big business and the government want us sick and fat so that we don't care what they do.  And it is working.  They are getting bigger and bigger and so are we!  

  10. It seems as the years go by, society comes up with ways to make things more 'convenient' for people such as fast food restaurants for families that are too busy to make a meal at home from scratch. Laziness ... not knowing how to cook [guilty as charged lol]. Besides that, even though it's bad for our health, it tastes good compared to healthy food that tastes bad [unless if you've grown up on it, then you're used to the taste].

  11. yes but people are lazy and don't aways want to cook, fast food is cheap,easy,tasty and fills you up. People are prepared to outweigh the cons like nutrition with the reasons above!

  12. Of course its bad for yourself.

    Its just that its cheap and convenient, and people are to lazy or don't have enough time to make it themselves.

  13. people like it.

  14. Cause it's fast, easy and convenient. Despite it being junk, it is served fast. Most people now hate waiting and really impatient. So as long as it's fast there's no need to bother abt it being healthy or not

  15. they r getting richer an richer so soon there will be like 3 mickey ds ineach town. :( and fat peeple will get fatter and skinny peeple will be fat and the peta will strike :) we will be saved

  16. Yes, it is. Fast food makes me feel so ashamed of myself after eating though I feel like I need to go for a run immediately. Only the awful stuff though, like KFC, not Subway. I mean, sometimes food can be fast, but it doesn't have to be awful. McDonald's is notorioulsy unhealthy (even the salads have as many calories as a hamburger!), but other places aren't THAT bad. They're certainly better than McDonald's, anyway.

  17. people like variety.

    aand are sometimes led to believe some are healthier.

    we need some fat but not like the fully deep fried lard in bread crumbs type stuff.

  18. I think that there are so many because it's a convenient way to eat.  As far as health, look, you make your own food choices as I do not eat beef/pork my choice!  Some fast food places do offer salads, grilled chicken sandwiches, baked potatoes (opposed to fries), get orange juice or lemonade instead of soda...maybe even water. But they are convenient, affordable and open late! (optimistic view, lol!)

  19. because people make money selling you fatty foods. and then make more money selling you diet stuff! yayy

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