
Why is there so many people who don't seem to know who they really are?

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I mean, have you ever noticed that there are those people that every year, they change friends, clothing styles, how they act, etc?

I mean, it's okay to change a bit - it's part of growing up, but when someone goes from hanging out with 'average' kids to hanging around stoners or whatnot, that's a bit drastic, and it's those types of changes that I'm talking about.

Sure, I'm only a senior in high school, but even I notice these changes, and I feel it is as if these kids don't really know themselves, who they are, or what they stand for. Why is it that there are so many kids liek this?




  1. Because they really don't know, this is the time when how they were brought up, and the influences at home verses all the new and different things out there in the big world.

    Brains get overloaded with  too many choices.

    It is a searching, and trying period of your life.

    Too many expect you to know what you want to do for the rest of your life at 17 or 18 and very few do know.

    Grown people can change jobs ten times or more until they find something they really are happy with, some never do find the contentment they are looking for, or the acceptance....thank you

  2. It takes time for kids to grow up and at that age they must experiment with different things to know who they are. It is just a part of growing up and one is different at 25 than they were at 18.

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