
Why is there so many rascist jokes in our society?

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help me cuz this is very distturbing




  1. I know, it's disgusting. I think it's because when the immigration levels started to elevate, people felt some resentment towards them, even hatred, it's stemmed from that, and it's carried on because it's easier for someone to tell a racist joke and fit in than for them to stand up for what's right and get the p**s taken out of them.

    Oh, and also the BNP operate through fear and try and scare people into believing that Britain is disintegrating due to immigration, and that's simply not the case.

    Basically it's usually the uneducated (including upper classes who've grown up with a silver spoon), that don't know what life is, and how to love.

  2. It's the human nature, I'd guess, which is sadistic, cruel, and teasing. All of us have a mean streak in us, just how big/small.  I'm just a teen, but already I'm faced with racist remarks to my Indian Friends everyday almost, and it's SCHOOL. I guess the only way to rid these remarks is to nip the bud in the problem, and punish the racists...but that's not really possible, is it? :/

  3. People use humor to dispell fear.  It's in our nature to be wrong.  We fall short of God's glory, often by purchasing plastic Chinese toys to worship him, enabling a culture that slaughters girl babies and eats dogs.  Dogs are cute, and only cute life is precious - baby seals, big brown eyed cows, Bambi...  tasty Bambi...

    So lets stop breathing and slaughtering billions of live microbes each breath to PROVE we aren't racist, since it's all the same right?

    Didn't the Muslims kill 1.2 MILLION people during Clinton's presidency in Darfour and the Mog alone?

    Define disturbing?

  4. It's because some narrowminded screwed up dirtbags get scared when someone is different 2 them and take the mick!

    it depends how you look at thgem. i dont take them so serioucly, they're just a laugh. it's usually nothing personal. it's wrong but you shouldnt take it so personally or serioucly.

    theyre JOKES .

  5. Because people are so politically correct now, even people who aren't rascist may laugh in shock at rascist jokes as it's like a taboo, there's alot of them around because alot of people have too much spare time. If they bother you tell whoever is telling you them that they bother you and try ignore them.

  6. why do people keep getting offended by the **** is the real question?

    we people of all colors, give words way to much power ... much more than they deserve

    ... but if you're just trying 2b mean, then the h**l with u anyway

  7. If you give it some thought, I think you'll realize that there's a demand for such things, and joke writers need to continue to earn a living, so they aren't going to campaign against that niche.

  8. Because There are still fascist ******* out there thinking their better than the other races

  9. People joke about taboo subjects, there is something very wrong with discussing things like this and a lot of people are surprised to find themselves laughing. Also, a lot of racist jokes are just born out of making fun of other races, which is just plain wrong.

  10. Why is that disturbing ? We make fun of everything... Why would race be an exception ?

    So long as the intent is to be humourous, about the differences that exist between the races (I find someone like Chris Rock can accomplish this, without being offensive) and not merely hateful and racist...

    Everything depends on context...

    Ken: I was laughing about the comment that only cute life is valued. Reminds me of Denis Leary...

    "What are you ?", "I'm an otter.", "...and what do you do ?", "I swim around on my back and do cute human tricks.", "You're free to go."

    "What are you ?", "I'm a cow.", "Get on the ****ing truck"...

  11. Because for most people it's easier too laugh about very disturbing things than to face them.

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