
Why is there so much animosity towards Rafal Nadal?

by Guest64319  |  earlier

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Why is there so much animosity towards Rafal Nadal?




  1. While I am not sure exactly of any animosity towards Nadal, whenever a player, athlete reaches true success and repeats their success, fans get bored and try and stir things up and create issues that arent existent/true. He is simply The KIng Of Clay and has established an all court game, as evidenced by his 2 Wimbledon Finals, and steady hard court play. No other player has ever been ranked #2 for as long. Ninety five percent of players would love to have his stats, tournament victories any day. He will unfortunately be spoken of more so when he loses his next clay match or not winning Wimbledon or hard court events, than winning The FRench 4 years in a row. Sad.

  2. maybe cuz of his race? well i say cuz he crossdresses.

  3. there isn't- I think some people just want something to argue about and bring up the question.

    Everyone is not going to like a certain player. Some people don't like Federer- reason being is because people are sick of him winning all of the time (me included). That's why I have loved 2008 so far. And Federer fans definitely don't like Nadal because he keeps gaining on Federer in points. Very slowly but surely.

  4. Why do you ask soo many questions about Nadal ? lol Kidding dont get mad and send me scary emails :P ! Im not sure a lot of people dislike him because he`s the only guy to really challenge Roger. When Nadal come on the scene as some spanish teenager everybody thought he`ll never make it to the top. But he showed them proved them all wrong and Federer fans didnt like it finally some competition for Roger they disliked Rafa. Stupid really, sure we all have players that we love (we aint all gonna agree, its only natural) but ppl should respect the other athletes aswell, ok so you dont like them but leave it at that.

    Vamos Rafa x*x

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