
Why is there so much bad poetry on the internet???

by  |  earlier

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I mean, I understand that the internet functions as a completely free (as in, unfettered) public forum to almost anyone, for almost anything - but there seems to be an absolute GLUT of awful, amateurish, just plain bad poetry out there online. Any ideas?




  1. Um duh. People want to know what others think of their poetry, it's just some stuff they wrote down that's not necessarily good. But they might think it is, so they post it online to show it off and feel acomplished. Who cares? If you don't like it don't read it, and only read professional poetry authors.

  2. i agree.

    alot of them sound like they come from 13 year-old girls that think they're life sucks, and so they write all this jumbled c**p!

    and i would know! because i actually used to write like that.


    they over do the whole painful sorrow, broken heart, i wish i was dead, dramatic bull s***.

    or they just sound plain stupid, with pathetic rhyme schemes and etc.

    i write, and i may not sound that great, but i'm true to myself.

    i'm not all fake, and try to over exaggerate my emotions.

    but it's good that there are actual creative people out there, that can notice all this stupid stuff that is going around the world. thanks for pointing this out!

  3. Everyone gets dramatic and ponders life every now and then and they feeling like poo..i want to be creative and express random people with little to no education (and sometimes the ones who are educated but just not thinking right) get on and post things like:

    "Why did you have to leave?

    I bought your favorite cheese!

    You were my only love

    you make my heart soar like a dove..."

  4. Ack You're Very Right.

    Mine Isn't The Greatest But..

    What's Your Oppinion?

  5. Bad poets the internet, like a magnet attracts

    because so many techo geeks as poets are quite c**p

    To return the status of the poet to his true deserved position

    He should give live recitals of his own new true creations

    And then when those creations fail to glean critical acclaim

    instead with boos and jeers the audience complains.

    then clearly is the true worth of the Internet laid bare.

    even if they dont like your stuff  they can't pull out your hair.

  6. yeah lots of people just think that if you put emotions on a page then ur  poet lol.

    I'd really would like u guys to read mine. I tend to think it is fairly good. two of them are resolved but one is still open but would like you to read the resolved ones anyway, thanks

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