
Why is there so much fuss over the New Yorker cover?

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Don't people understand that the magazine is lampooning all the false rumours going around about Obama?

Don't people understand how satire works?

It's not a new concept.

I'm not an Obama supporter but I am a strong advocate of reasonable debate.




  1. It hit a nerve.

  2. Because it insults not just Obama but Islam. Thats why.

  3. All I have to say about this whole situation with The New Yorker vs. The Obamas is this: If the Obamas are going to fight everything that is printed about them that seems offensive, there won't be any time to run the country if elected. They better get used to being made fun of...otherwise I don't think they're gonna enjoy living in the White House if America decides it wants them in there.

  4. The problem being, that not everyone is capable of recognizing satire.

    In fact, it's a fundamental problem with satire on the whole- too many people just don't understand it. I'm sure it's neither the first or the last time that the New Yorker will go through this. Besides, they probably sold a bunch of copies to confused Republicans!

    Out of curiousity, where do Charicatures fit into your view of reasonable debate?

  5. I don't understand the fuss.

    I thought everyone knew that the New Yorkers humor was suppose to be for a very sophisticated crowd and difficult for most people to get.

    Also, nobody seemed to mind Rolling Stones outrageous dipictions of Hillary (till she dropped out ) and now McCain. Granted, they didn't put them on the cover

  6. It's a great magazine.  Anyone who can't appreciate the nuances in the cover, and how it fits in with the general attitude of The New Yorker probably shouldn't be reading it in the first place.

  7. All's fair in love, war and politics.  If people don't understand the game.....pick up your ball and bat and go home.  In other words, quit crying.  When something controversial is printed about McCain, they never say a word against it.

  8. It's bad because some people can't/won/t read the accompanying article.  Those kinds of people will merely look at the cover and assume that the New Yorker has finally "come to it's senses".

    This caricature will be used against Obama regardless of the artist's original intent.

  9. because only elitist's New Yorkers care about it, I'm not saying all New Yorkers are Elitest , but the ones that think they are

  10. The idiots who are slandering Obama actually think their lies are true. Never underestimate the stupidity of a Repugnicant voter.

  11. I think it hit too close to home.

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