
Why is there so much hate?

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Well I've been on Mediotiempo reading some comments regarding Omar Arellano's injury that will keep him out for at least 3 weeks and I am sickened by some of the things I read. For example some people stated that great thing he got hurt so he won't attend the national team call-up, that he deserves it for being a player from Chivas, and that who cares he just another player.

I am Chivas fan by heart and you can make fun of Chivas all you want because I know there will always be haters against the top clubs. For example I always make fun of America but that's because I accept the fact they are a big club. With all due respect you don't see me hating on a "small" team like Indios, Dorados, or Chiapas because they are usually not a threat to Chivas. Its the bigger clubs that are threat to you that you make hate on.

Now what I have an issue is why be glad that not a player but a human being in injured and it prevents him from full filling a dream such as attending a national team call-up and is also a promising player for not Chivas but for Mexico. I despise America but I would never find joy in Ochoa, Cabanas, Dominguez, or Villa getting injured. So why do people hate like that?




  1. It's sports. Fans talk out of their ***.

    Shame about Arellano. He was looking good.

  2. URE! like the 1st chivista that says something cool about  an america fan and i Hate chivas,,,BUT!!!!!!!! i have to admit they do got some good players,,,like omar arrellano,,,ramon morales,,michel,,and i would never find joy on a player getting hurt

  3. its called human nature

  4. so cruz azul isnt a threat so no team is a threat 2 the chiva chicas

    cruz azul is my favorite team  

  5. you are right why wish some one bad, i dont think it was the time to call omar arellano to la selecion just now but to wish him bad no that is unprofessional in all levels. yes i wish chivas doesnt make it along with cruz azul to the liguilla,  like you said hating on them by wishing them to not win games but not to injure their players or any other club's players. y si se madrea el ochoa tenemos a navarrete but if cabanas se madre then we dont have another cabanas :(, but yeah lets not wish bad things for the players nomas conque pierda chivas esta bien.

  6. Some people are more caring about football than about other human beings. Sad.

  7. It's not hate... It's just being a fan-boy.

    It's the same on every sport. I don't know why people make a big deal about this.

  8. Different people see sports in different ways. I for one am a cruz azul fan and i hate it when America beats us with a passion just cuz its america but whever Americaor any mexican team plays in an international tournaent i will always go for them no matter what. But its not the same when it comes to national teams for me, i would never think about going for USA and whenver i can find something to critisize them about and tell them that they still suck and everyone in the world makes fun of them and thie league i do. But thats just me and different people show their hatred and passion in different ways and for different things.

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