
Why is there so much hatred (from posters on this site) towards Americans of Mexican descent?

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Why is there so much hatred (from posters on this site) towards Americans of Mexican descent?




  1. There isn't more hatred toward any one race or ethnic group than any other.

    By the way

    This is an English language forum. Use English words. Not everybody speaks whatever language you are using.

  2. I've noticed that too. I appreciate anyone from both side giving  informative, valid facts. But i do not like when race gets brought in to it. Like  when people say "typical racist mexican" or when they have those avatars that are disrespectful to the mexican culture. I think you can make a point without bashing a race as a whole. I'll have way more respect for you too.

    I don't like racism from either side. But i definitely do see a pattern of more people making hidden (or sometimes not so hidden) slams to mexicans.

  3. Awww... they're just sore that nearly 1/2 of America use to belong to Mexico and due to that fact there is a deeply enriched culture opposite from what they know.  (hee hee)

    On a serious note... It's due to the misinformation and misrepresentation they receive from media sources and like-minded individuals (the blind leading the blind, so to speak). And it is not just on this site. In fact, I think I'll post regarding a recent experience I had of someone assuming I was Mexican.

  4. Because it is not illegal immigration they hate, it is a hatred of anyone with brown skin. Obviously.

  5. I think it is mostly Mexican illegal imigrants not Americans of Mexican descent. There is a huge difference.

  6. Because they don't understand us, and assume we are criminals because we stand up for illegal immigrants.....who they consider are ALL violent criminals. I like to stand up for them because they can't be on here defending themselves. They are too busy slaving away for pennies while their American boss sits in the A/C and gets fatter and richer. They don't like to hear the positive side of the story either. The side that says "they pay taxes", the side that says "they contribute to the US". It's like they're wearing horse blinders and ear muffs while they insult and threaten us. A lot of my questions and answers have been deleted when the content was only positive........why? because they simply don't want to hear it. Everybody has a right to their opinion, if you can't take the heat!, stay out of La Cocina!

  7. I hate no one...untill they do me harm. I have many..many friends and have learned to be friendly to all I meet.

  8. If you notice, the minute you ask a question such as this the word illegal plays into it. I didn't see the word illegal in your question at all but some feel justified in throwing that word around to make the issue blurry. By throwing out stats on how many illegal Mexicans there are they can condone the abusive behavior this site has against good Americans of Mexican descent. By this behavior and justification it allows those who have xenophobic tendencies to rile the masses and create fear where none is deserved.

  9. No, you are mistaken.  The hatred is toward the 'entiteled' illegal population of mexican descent.  You know, those that skip the border, and that are entiteled to free education, health care, etc.

  10. I don't think there is. The hatred on this sight usually comes from the pro side.

  11. There isn't any more hatred towards this group than any other. There is hatred toward people of all races and ethnic groups on this site. On the other hand, there is "hatred and anger" toward ILLEGAL CRIMINAL matter what country they are from.


    It doesn't matter if illegal criminal aliens "pay taxes (most don't). LOTS of criminals pay taxes...paying taxes doesn't exempt you from the law (immigration law or any other laws).

    It doesn't matter if you claim illegal criminal aliens "contribute to society". LOTS of criminals contribute to society. It doesn't exempt you from the law (immigration law or any other laws).

  12. There are a lot of hatreds of all nationalities on this site.  Alot of it is from people makin false accusations of racism.    

  13. You are obviously mistaken. The "hatred" comes from the supporters of illegal immigration who label those who want the laws to be obeyed as racists. They fail to see the irony of their ignorance.

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