
Why is there so much hatred on this section of Yahoo!Answers?

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Why is there so much hatred on this section of Yahoo!Answers?




  1. Assertiveness is to be encourage rather than discouraged. People should be able to express their opinons on the issues of the day. Assertiveness should not be confused with hatred, just because you think the other peson is incorrect in his view on any particular problem does not mean that you hate that person. You just strongly disagree with his point of view on the issue at hand. Cordial assertiveness is to be encouraged in the interest of free speech and reasonable discussion. so that everyone knows where everyone else stands!!!!!!!

  2. Of course I'm hateful if someone call me n**i . I don't say cowboy to you , because you american. you can't run down other people.

  3. I don't think it's hatred. I think it's frustration. Politics and religion are not good topics if you want cooler heads to prevail

  4. politics, much like religion, is an issue which provokes the worst in us.

  5. Do you know anthing about dissenting voices?

  6. Simple answer. That's politics.

    "I'll stand by [you] but if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." ~Harry Truman~

  7. I'ts not hatred, it's jabs and poking fun at.  At the end of the day, we are still Americans.

  8. There is hatred in every section here. You got the abortion haters how hate the pro choise people, you have the I hate g**s you have the I hate Christians. Its a big mess.

  9. I think it is because people can be anonymous and therefore feel free to say anything they would not say eye to eye.

  10. liberals vs conservatives.

    here people can say what they want without destroying their image in the real world.

    its called having an e-peen. you can say what you like without losing teeth or being crucified by the NAACP on the news.

  11. I think it's mainly because nobody wants to get into reasoned argument, it takes too much thought and effort.

    No point can be made by a witty aphorism, or a clever put down;

    however most seem to act, here, as if a point is made by doing that.

    I have tried many times to ask a question that is neutral, but everyone seems keen on being on one side or the other of things.

    So I guess it's largely due to a lack of intelligence, or education, that leads to hate type behaviour.

  12. Because it's filled with people who have no qualifications or credentials relating to politics, elections, economics, political science, trade, foreign policy or other pertinent areas. Everyone overgeneralizes and oversimplifies. At least when you read the editorial section of the newspaper, the incoherent rambling of the idiots and nutjobs has been filtered out for you. Partisan hacks and wannabe pundits...

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