
Why is there so much hi-fiving in volleyball?

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I recently watched both the men's and women's FIVB World Cups, which took place in Japan. I've also watched a few NCAA matches and even fewer high school matches. I notice that both men and women congratulate each other and slap hands and give hi-fives after every, single point? Why is that? I can understand doing it after a good play or to get the team motivated if they're behind in points. But after each and every single point? It seems like it slows the game a little because after each and every single point, players have to huddle in the middle of the court to do it.

The most annoying part is when they do it after someone does something bad or wrong.

Anyone have any idea as to why the hi-fiving, hand-slapping, and congratulating must happen after each and every single play?




  1. it keeps you motivated and keeps the team up even when they have made a mistake. in volleyball we believe in recognizing the good things and being constantly pumped up!! =]

  2. Because if you loose a point, you don't want your player to get down and sad! So you all go in and clap eachothers and to tell them it's okay!

  3. thay think their cool

  4. beacause its just a way of saying good job guys we can do it   its kinda like a good luck charm

  5. volleyball is a sport where if you mess up, everyone knows it's YOUR fault. you can't hide it when you miss the ball or serve it into the net. high-fives and things like that let teh players know that you're there for them and its also for encouragment. when something good happens theres a lot of high-fiving and stuff cause they just got a point. all sports do it not jsut volleyball but volleyball does have a lot of high-fiving.

  6. its called teamwork!

  7. on My Team We All have LIke handShakes && Stuff that We Do ! It just LIke Helps Gets You Pumped Up more If You Made a Good Play Or Helps PicK you Up If YOU Made  A Mistake !!

  8. They simply need time to communicate.

    Volleyball movement is fast, arguably. It is one of those sports that no player can stop the ball movement or hold the ball in his/her own possession while making hand signals. The easiest way to communicate is to huddle after each point.

    Also some players are not moving that much compared to players in other games, so that hi-fives can keep up the spirit and make all feet moving around.

    In the old time, if a team captain took too much time talking to individual player, it would cost a delay of game or a timeout. The huddle makes it a lot easier to communicate, and makes it harder for ref to whistle anything.

  9. I will combine some of the above answers.

    The high fives when the team wins the rally is for keeping the team pumped up and to celebrate.  You want to keep focusing on the positive things.  

    The high fives when the team loses the rally is used for encouragement.  The last thing you want is for you teammate that just made the mistake to dwell on the previous play and make another mistake.  And another mistake.  You hope to change their focus from the negative of the previous play and concentrate on the next play.  

    And a high five and quick huddle is a great way to set up the next play.  And it has to be quick.  If the server has the ball and the team is still in the huddle, a team delay can and will be issued.

  10. they don't like slapping each other's butts

  11. i don't know it's just to be supportive. Because most people's self-esteem goes down after they lose a point.

  12. It keeps you pumped & happy for a point. that's just the way it rolls. there is victory in a lot of sports butin volleyball, you have to celebrate big!

  13. It's okay to congratulate your teammates. It's their way of saying, "Good job," or "Try better next time!" There should be nothing wrong with it. It's team spirit! I hope this answers your question.

  14. It's similar to a text message: a quick exchange of communication to express an emotion.  

    The game of volleyball is very fast-paced and energetic.  Basically, the teammates are saying "good job, we got this. keep it up," stuff like that.

    And first person, very funny. NOT.

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