
Why is there so much hostility between the UK and Russia?

by Guest57833  |  earlier

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Maybe it's just my perception, but it seems that this rabid international hatred is only between the Brits and the Russians. Even Americans are not as vehemently anti-Russians.




  1. Never noticed it to be honest.

  2. There was a recent event where some russians flew over a killed a former russian spy..which lead to radiation contamination being dragged throughout parts of london.. The british goernment are frankly you can understand, and this has soured relations..there has also been  recent events like russian military aircraft violating british airspace, and of course the infamous course of events that led to british diplomats being expelled from russia for spying.

    Your average Brit is also presented with a overwhelming  negative image of russians as gangsters and criminals, by it's media..which again cannot be very helpful.

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