
Why is there so much male bashing on TV?

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i was watching T.V. and i noticed that there are so many commercials and shows bashing men. i mean it's gotten to the point where it's perfectly alright and comical to bash men. If women were "bashed" on feminists would be in an uproar over it. i don't want my children grown up thinking that it's alright to bash men and carry to carry on the stupid stereotype.

dam near 90% of the things i watched was geared towards women. what channels are geared toward men? spike t.v. and sports channels. that's it. does anybody else see anything wrong here?

example: the chereeos commercial. husband walks in and notices the chereeos box and asks if the wife if she is trying to loose weight. she gets offended and starts to act smart. husband starts to act like ***** and by the end of the commercial the guy tells himself to shut up.




  1. Oh boo-hoo!!!!!

  2. Jussy Lee wishes she was half the man they make fun of on television. I in part blame this sudden uproar over Hilary Clinton's success in almost being president. Did I say almost being president? I mean almost being almost president!

  3. for the same reason it's ok for fat people to say what they want about smokers but smokers can't say anything about fat people. for the same reason black people can say anything negative about white people, but white people can't say anything about black people. for the same reason it's ok for g**s and lesbians to say anything they want about straight people eg.stupid breeders, even rapists. but straight people can't say anything about g**s and lesbians...and jussylee.."oh boohoo" is a real mature answer. bet you've won alot of debates with that one.

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