
Why is there so much racism in AUSTRALIA?

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and you people hate Harbhajan so much(a cricketer).




  1. You are asking two different questions.  Yes there is racism in Australia as there is in any country towards people who are deemed different. I have Indian friends from southern India (Dravidian) who are treated as second class citizens by their northern counterparts.  I have worked on aboriginal communities where racism occurs between tribes according to the local hierarchy and against other aborigines not born locally.  I think Australia is no different.

    As for Harbhajan - the tension between some players was festering for a while.  There is always one player whom we love to hate in opposition teams and this does not only relate to international sport.  If you watch local sport in Australia particularly upcoming State of Origin rugby league you will see almost open warfare between rival states.  The tension is good for the game, it creates tussles of the mind & body.  This last series it was Harbhajan - next series who knows?

    However, his actions in the IPL against a fellow player and countryman were reprehensible and he deserved his punishment.

  2. It seems that you are forming your opinion on what you have heard in the media...and its not like that here at all...yes there are some racist people here  but generally we are as a nation the least racist.... and thats my opnion ...I have lived here for 41 years......

  3. Near 30% of Australians were born overseas. In some areas this represents  60-70% of the locality. Humans do not cope with continued cultural change very well.

    Often times a loss of cultural identity leads to wars, in Australia it leads to senseless bickering about how the new wave of immigrants are not fitting in. Sometimes the immigrants are at fault themselves to be honest.  However they eventually do fit in and Australians wonder why they complained about them in the first place while setting their sights on the next wave. Culturally what happens though is blandness, no real benefit to anyone except for wider choice fo restaurants. Will take time.

    I do not see it as racism, more xenophobia. Countries with little or no immigration do not get labelled racist yet this country with the highest percentage of immigrants does. It is perhaps wiser to accept that Australia is probably the most tolerant of all countries but too much is expected of the people with too high a rate of immigration.

    For comparison sake the US has about 10% of it's population born in another country. while the UK is under that a little. Yet in the UK some feel they are being invaded!

    So unless you can boast your country has welcomed so many immigrants perhaps it is you that is being prejudiced perhaps?

  4. because he slaps, he calls Australian's monkeys....becasue HE IS RACIST!

  5. Racist??? I'm really sorry but that really hits a nerve with I'm pretty sure ALL OF US. WE are far from racist and if you want to have a pity fest and accuse us of being racist thats your call. A lot of my friends are Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian so don't throw your c**p in my face!!!

    We don't like Harbhajan due to his actions on tour here, nothing more and nothing less and in fact before Symonds incident we all quite liked him. I still appreciate his obvious talent but his actions on the field are uncalled for.

    Another note, call us racist, when have you ever seen an entire sporting crowd making racist taunts at a player?? Oh yeah, that's right. INDIA.

    Get over it buddy, we will have a beer together and be mates but don't throw such total c**p at us.

  6. Why don't you go and find out for yourself then you can answer your own question in whichever way you like. personally, I went to Brisbane City and the Gold Coast and did not feel any different to anyone else

  7. Its everywhere.

  8. Well in a country that has over 150 nationalities living in it of cause there are going to be racism problems..

    We have one of the largest multicultural societies in the world..Just because we hate Harbhajans guts does not mean we are racist,i could mention a lot about India but i am not racist so i wont go many nationalities live with in India's country?

    Harbhajn is a BULLY,he thinks he can do what ever he likes to anyone and get away with it,well he may have gotten away with all of his offences here in Australia but it caught up with him in India did'nt it....He is a looser...

  9. I hate Cricket, so that's why I hate Harbajhan.  In fact, I hate Shane Warne too.

  10. because it is an Anglo country.  Duh.

  11. Australia is not racist. We would hate Harbhajan no matter where he came from and whatever his race or colour. He is the racist as well as a thug and a thoroughly unpleasant person. Australians take people as we find them. We didn't like what we found in Harbhajan.

  12. What ? because we have taken a strong dislike to a person who behaves like an ar$ehole and who is a bad sport ... we're more racist that anybody else ..


    I don't like shane warne either... so what's that say about me ??

    I'm racist against whites?????

    I often think that when people have no other means to attack aussies ... but when they feel the need to strike out at us ... that they pull out the old chestnut " AUSTRALIAN'S ARE RACIST"... as to have us back-off and cower away ....

    Sure you will have your aussies that are racist and ignorant .. BUT PLEASE show me any one nation where you won't find the same sort of people.........

    I love our multicultural rainbow... I love working with different nationailities ( just for the record .. in my work place there are about twenty-five people and just off the top of my head .. I know that there are at least ten NON-ANGLO aussies...).. SOME of them Indian .....

  13. I'm English and I'm not racist. In my experience many Australians are more intollerant of other cultures and foreigners. True Blue I think they call it.

  14. We are not racist but we are intolerant of fools.

  15. B/c the English & the rest of Europe are racist & rude to everyone else that travels to their part of the world, so the Australians treat them the same.

  16. you've never been to Australia but think you have the right to call Australians racist?

    a very broad statement! you assume all Australians think alike?

    the way Indians treat their cricket team when they lose is appalling ,so people in Glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

  17. Most of us are not racists, what we cant stand is people coming from overseas and bitching and whinging about how we do things.  They complain they don't like the food, the weather, the people, the lifestyle etc and that's fine,  feel free to go home.  We are often called racists when our government does not bend to the demands of an overseas person e.g. a lady wanted to wear her burker when she got her drivers licence photo taken, when the government said no once again we were labelled racists.  The minute some foreigners are told no they scream racism hoping we will change out minds.

  18. It is not soo much racism as it is conservative governance. Liberal countries become so diversified that they fail.

  19. That is a bit rich to say that there is "so much racism" in Australia. Sure you get intolerant ignorant gits but you can find them everywhere and they can be of any colour or race and in any country. I've met a few immigrants in Australia that could be classed as racists.

    As for Harbhajan Singh, after the slapping incident with Sreesanth, there is no doubt that he is an obnoxious weed. He loves creating trouble and playing the "I'm innocent, they're all out to get me" card. I wouldn't be surprised if he really did call Andrew Symonds a monkey.

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