
Why is there soo much CCTV?

by  |  earlier

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The UK has one camera for every 14 people at 4,200,000

London alone has over half a million CCTV cameras

No other country or city has this amount.

Why its not that bad here

W have them in

Most Schools

All Buses

Bus stations

Train stations

All Trains

Car parks

90% of Shops

Many Flats

All High Roads

All airports

All Traffic Lights

In my area every Council Estate

Most Toilets!

They even have talking cameras now where the operator can talk to the person they are seeing committing a crime.

Did you know they can trace your whole journey through London by using the oyster card. And I hear they want to put us with ID cards

Why does the government do all this its not like it stops crime people dont care about cameras. But isn't this a violation of our privacy or are they planning a country wide big brother show.

Theres about 10 on my road.




  1. do what the prisoners do wet a napkin and put it over the camera or write in sharpie permanent marker over the lens. every one should have a right to privacy especially when taking a shhhhh. thats ridiculous you must have a low crime rate cuz of that i suppose that is why they do it.

  2. When something happens to you or your family your gonna thank god there was cctv

  3. Cause everyones either a thief, a drug dealer or a murder. Either way we are all going to h**l. =D

  4. They don't trust that we will wise up and rise up and string them from lampposts that's why

  5. nannyism. the socialist think they can manage our lives better than we can.  

  6. Yes, it's all about control.  The way things are going we will not be able to f**t without the tax man hearing (or smelling) about it and taxing us on a sliding scale for volume and smell.  The government will justify this by saying we are damaging the ozone layer.

    We should all rise up now and destroy the evil cameras.

  7. if the last one is true 'most toilets'  oh god,  and here i was thinking I could have a **** in peace outdoors heh.

    no matter, but yeah, the thing is yeah, the thing right, the thing is yeah that the thing , that im about to get to,  which when I do, this thing...

    * grows up incredibly quickly and beats the alcohol buzz inside his bloodstream momentarily *

    'unlawful surviellence' :-)

    its unfair, but its how it goes - they can ******* film you taking a c**p on the M25 mate, where you been ?  its 2008 !

    they can surveillence you from space, never mind cctv although cctv REALLY gets me edgy.  

    The way to tackle it is by making funny faces at the cctv,  or by leaving your house wearing funky disguises such as fake beards and moustaches.

    but d**n..... 'Most Toilets'....

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