
Why is there still a certain old time etiquette associated with the royals?

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being a "royal" holds little importance in todays society. honestly, people seem to be more concerned about how badly dressed this actress was, and who this actor is dating now. 100 years ago, people were much more concerned about who the queen met with this week. so can someone tell me why there is still such old time etiquette and tradition associated with the royals.




  1. Its good to carry on traditions and uphold etiquette. That's the great thing about having a Royal family and taking part in those things its part of being English I guess. I think the other person who commented is right, it cant be any different to how the Americans treat the President. Its the same sort of thing.

  2. Who says people are more concerned about how badly dressed this actress was or who that actor is dating? Perhaps in the shallow world some people exist in, but there is a big world outside Entertainment Tonight. Many of us are concerned about important social issues. But even those actors and actress would crawl over broken glass and flaming embers to rub elbows with the Royals. Just look at the concert held in the gardens of Buckingham Palace for the Queen's Jubilee? Everyone was there and gaga over seeing the Queen up close.

    As for 'old time etiquette and tradition' well, that would be manners. It should never be fashionable to treat people without respect. You religion, your school, your parents probably tried to make that point.

  3. Since they are considered to be "Royalty" and therefore "special",  according them honour is a part of ancient practice and tradition.

  4. There is still etiquette and tradition for a lot of things.  You wouldn't meet the president of the U.S. or the CEO of a company or even your future father-in-law and say "yo, dude" and chest-butt him or her.

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