
Why is there still a war'?

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why is there still a war, and why are we having it?




  1. The military - industrial - congressional complex is still profiting greatly. The decision makers are profiting through:

    - No bid re-building projects are not audited.

    - Military manufacturers selling at emergency prices.

    - Support contractors and their suppliers see revenue increases.

    - Media is intimidated by the administration and corporations.

    - Laws restricting freedoms are passed.

    - Oil is pumped and shipped to California refineries.

    Although most Americans want to withdraw from Iraq and over 80% of Iraqi want an immediate withdrawal, our democracy is not strong enough to overcome big government and big business. As usual, most Americans and most foreigners pay the price.

    The big lie told by media is that UK and US forces stabilize the country. The only security offered by these soldiers is in the green zones and oil refining resources. Most of the rest of the population is left to fend for themselves without a police force. Most Iraqis believe that there will be less violence once the occupiers leave. The real reason the US and UK stay relates to maintaining control of strategic resources that are not theirs to control.

  2. No one really knows. It's all Bush's fault! :(

  3. it is good for business.

  4. There is a power struggle going on Iraq. The presence of US and UK troops there have prevented a full scale civil war.

    The militants in Afghanistan are able to rest and regroup in Pakistan. Until that changes the war in Afghanistan cannot be won.

    There are a lot of potential pressure points in the mideast region. There are at least five civilzations in the region all of whom cannot abide instability on their borders. Until the pressure points are resolved there will be instability and the potential for wars including the potential for global conflict.

    And Bush is the only leader taking initiative to control the situation in a relatively humanitarian way.

  5. Because there is still Bush!

  6. And the Bush bashers come out..Figures..There always a war somewhere. Its human nature. Or should I saw Government nature. Even if Clinton was still in we would be over there. Its the lame *** Democrats that are under Bush that run this nation not Bush. And dont think for a second that Obama would be any different. It was something that needed to be done..End of story!

  7. america still wants more oil :O

  8. Democrats support Bush and continue to provide ongoing funding.

    Democrats control both the House and Senate since wins in '06 elections with promises to end the war.

    Yet, Democrats continue to pass legislation funding the war.  Ms Pelosi's and H Reid's excuse themselves claiming they have a narrow majority and want you to vote for more Democrats in '08 to widen their majority.  Then they'll really do something.

    Pelosi, Reid, Democrats; Just say no! Let Bush veto, let the Republicans fillerbuster. Don't vote for funding the war

    The House controls the purse strings of government.  The Democrats control the House and Senate for going on 2 years.  They promised to end the war.  They continue to criticize the war.  Democrats continue voting to fund the war.

    Blame it on Bush.  

    Democrats just voted the President's renewal of FISA including B Obama's vote in the Senate.

    Yet, Rep. D Kucinich (D) Ohio, sponsors bills to end the  war and Impeach Bush and Cheney.  And he gets no support from the Democratic leadership controlling the House and it's agenda.

  9. If you're an American citizen, you should get used to it. We're always at war. Killing is our business and business is good. To answer your question we're at war because the entire world hates us and want to kill us. Some say it's our way of maintaining our freedom, but it's really to maintain our status.

  10. its all apart of a bigger thing thats going on in this messed up world.... do your research.

  11. i have no idea...and i'm not sure weather you're referring to Iraq or the "war on drugs".  but seriously, we shouldn't be there, should never have....

  12. it's just part of human nature, we build then destroy, we want we take, we love we hate, we pray for peace and scream for war. We've been this way since we've crawled out of caves it's not going to change anytime soon, that is to say if we have any time left.

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