
Why is there still racism in the U.S.?

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What is your thoughts as to what keeps racism strong in the U.S.?




  1. Racism is essentially dead in the US.The vast majority of people could care less what race others are.The biggest problem for most people in Minority communities in the modern day,is that people are finally taking Martin Luther King's words to Heart.They are for the most part judging people by "The content of their Character,not the Color of their Skin" The only reason many minorities have a problem with that,is that too often these days they seem to be lacking in the Character department.


  2. dumb people!

  3. Amazing that you would ask this as I used to ask the same question.  I have a neighbor of a different race than I am.  He is bitter, thinks that people owe him because of past history, feels that he can shoot people's dogs because they bother him, and curse and call me horrible names because he is angry at me.  He is mad because I have a really good income, because I have a car, and a few other things.  He used to be my friend until the time he came into my house and saw my check stub lying on the counter and told me how unfair it was that I made that much money doing what I do.  I told him that he can go to school, too.  His response was f**k you and stormed out.  That was over a year ago, and ever since that day, he has only called names and shot at dogs, but never, ever spoken to me civilly again.   So, from which side does this racism originate?  His or mine?

  4. i wonder that myself but keep in mind 1, it's not just in the u.s. and 2. it seems to be part of human nature to always need someone to look down on and to have to differentiate between 'us' and 'them' in order to make ourselves feel better.  


  6. I'm hoping someone with inside knowledge, like Obama, will tell us.

  7. Ignorance.  

  8. I think racism is rooted in fear.  It is common for people to view others who are outside their sphere of understanding as a threat (in one form or another).  We also have a long history of racism in the USA.  Relatively speaking, the Civil Rights movement and Desegregation was not long ago.  Racism was built right into our governmental institutions! We have come a long way in the past 40 years, but the old paradigm hasn't been completely shaken in the nation's consciousness.   I think at an individual level racism is the product of an inferiority complex.  It gives some people comfort in perceiving themselves as inherently superior to others.  They don't even have to do anything to deserve this status!  It stems from small minds and small hearts to be unable to recognize the common humanity all we share before our differences.  Racist people limit their ability for growth and understanding of our world while significantly harming themselves (by choosing ignorance).

  9. I don't believe it's strong . . . there are always going to be people who just don't get along . . . we can indulge them by paying attention to their opinion . . . or we can ignore them and get the job done.

  10. I do not believe racism is strong. We have become too mushy and not strong enough.

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