
Why is there still war?

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I know an Indian from India. I know a Taiwanese from Taiwan. I know an Afghan from Afghanistan. I know a German from Germany. I know a Pakistani from Pakistan. I Mexicans from Mexico. I know a Vietnamese from Vietnam. I know an Aussi from Australia. I know a Korean from Korea(likely South). I know a Chinese from China. Do we really need to fight amongst ourselves? US enemies or allies - Why do we have to go to war with anybody if we can know people from around the globe? If we had a network promising we wouldn't fight each other in a war, would it be likely? Let the elite do their own fighting.




  1. Some body who want revolution starts the war..

    Wa = Wanting

    R = Revolution ;-) (not rotation)

  2. with your limited circle of friends how do you know that would work? i know at least one person from each of the countries you mentioned,and many more, but that won't stop any wars.

    what do you consider elite? here in the USA we don't have elite status. that's found in places that have or have had nobility in their past or present.  

  3. Because I want what you have...the human condition.  Look around the world...people have been fighting since the dawn of man...not much is going to change that.  Even your hippie whining about it.  It's gonna happen.

  4. i just got REALLY confused.

  5. Because there is and always will be.

  6. Because its human nature.  

  7. There isn't enough of what everyone wants for everyone to have it.

  8. I'm pretty sure some of those countries love us since we help them in the past and some today.

    We go to war to help people or for "vital national interest", going to war for no reason would be like WW1 which the European nation cause.

    War is just something we can't stop since there are too many ashole and retards around the world tha we need to stop.

    Taiwan should love us since we help them fought communism when they were still in China.

    Germany love us since we gave them more than a billion dollars to help them to recovery from WW1 and WW2.

    One of my best friend is Pakistani a he luvs the US. But he doesn't see the point in giving up his life for the country.

    I have hella Mexican friends and most are in JROTC with me. Some are seeking military service after highschool. Other who aren't my friends are disrespectful. On of then threw an apple at our JROTC Color Guard during the national anthem when we were at "Present Arms."

    I am Vietnamese and god damit I love this country and will fight and die for it.

    I don't know any Aussie, Koreans, or Chinese but oh well...

  9. Because freedom don't come free. Why are we in Afghanistan because they threatened that by attacking us on our soil. Are we supposed to say it's ok just don't do it again? NO

    We are in Iraq for because Saddam and his WMD that disappeared was a threat. Any more reasons you need to know?

  10. Can't we just all get along...sniff, sob.

    Grow Up!

    I have two little boys.  They're family.  They go to war several times a day.  All humans are never going to get along.  

  11. because we still insist on solving our "problems" (real or imagined) the way the cavemen did, and not as civilized citizens of the world.

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