
Why is there such a difference between Palestinian Israelis and those from the territories?

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I came across an interesting article today ( that says that 77% of Palestinians living in the State of Israel would rather live in the State of Israel than any other country in the world. This thought-provoking figure leads to the question at hand: Why are Palestinian Israeli's so satisfied while Palestinians from the territories hate Israel and continue to wage their war and provoke Israeli retaliation, continuing the cycle of violence?

My only conclusion can be that the quality of life in Israel is very good, and the Palestinians who actually live under Israeli rule benefit from this. Those in the territories are unhappy because their government does not support them well. I believe that if the Palestinians in the territories could overcome their pointless hatred, they could work together to all live better. If the Palestinians in Israel like Israel, there is hope.

Agree? Why/Why not




  1. They are Israeli Arabs, they consider it offensive to be called "palestinian"

    Israeli Arabs are the Arabs who defended Israel when the neighboring Arab countries invaded Israel.  "palestinians" are the ones who sided with the enemy and became traitors.


    If 77% wouldn't live anywhere else, how hard can it be for the 23%?

    If they are Israeli citizens can they not get a passport and immigrate?  That isn't escaping that giving up the fight and leaving the homeland that Israel says is yours too.

    Are the 23% traitors to Israel or the Islamist terrorist?

    Could they just be people that want to get out of the mess Islamist create there.  Go find some place where there are more men of God and fewer idiots with killing as their agenda.  Muslim I mean.

    What percentage of the 23% are just the normal number that all want to immigrate to North America or Europe.  There is always a pertage that do in every country.

  3. This is not odd, the whole issue today is that Palestinians want to live in what is today Israel (which they consider their ancestral homeland) so obviously those who live there want to stay.

  4. it is simple they live in a free and prosperous country.With rights and dignity. and Arabs out side of Israel do not in fact they live in abject poverty and under dictators

  5. Israel provides a Divine umbrella for everyone regardless of their ethnicity or religious affiliation or level of observancy. It is much more comforting to be fitting under or within that Divine umbrella than trying to fight with it in a thunderstorm of what other people have for an excuse of their government.  Other gov'ts create the thunderstorm don't give umbrella and then keep them out in the rain for 60 years and counting.

    Both peoples had same opportunity 60 years ago what a difference between a real country gov't and false gov't PLO.  

    60 years later my advice is to make the skyscraper in Gaza they still not doing it though they listening to the radicals. Listening to PLO type people got them no where in 60 years and still going no where.  So just make Gaza skyscraper it will be pretty.

  6. This normal. It is their homeland, They want to stay in it.

    What is odd with that?

    77% of them do not want to leave regardless  what they suffer.

    The problem is that 23% of them see that if they escape their home land to other conuntries running from the racisist Israeli regime they will have a better life.

    Do you understand what does it mean to leave your home and go to refuge?

    Do you understand the sacrifice those 23%  are doing? Eccaping their homeland?

    The real question is: Why do 23% of Palestinians want to run away?

  7. this is the result of britain's colonialism

  8. yes I agree, arab muslims just tend to blame the problems that they have on others, who have nothing to do with it, because they refuse to look at themselves. Can't stand any criticism, so they always need to blame someone else, in this case Israel.  Their government knows this and to keep the power and control,they entice hatred amongst their people towards Jews, so they keep the attention away from the real cause of their problems.

  9. If there weren't such a thing as a prosperous Israel, the Arabs wouldn't have a role model in the Middle East to aspire to! Israel is hated because it demonstrates to the Arabs that what they are doing is not the way to succeed! This throws the Arabs into consternation!

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