
Why is there such a divide in opinion over single mothers?

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With one opinion that they are noble in bringing up their children without assistance.

On the other hand the opposite opinion of seeing them as the cause of bringing up the majority of violent, criminal, drug abusing, promiscious teenagers.

Is there a middle ground? Or is there just a wide range of outcomes from single motherhood




  1. It's got nothing to do with being single, it's about the person, their views and how god they are at being a parent. Happy families and bad families come in al different shapes and sizes.

  2. I think the middle ground is supporting those who need it, rather than judging. In an ideal world, every child would have two parents, but it doesn't always work out that way. Single parents are more likely to live in poverty and suffer from stress or depression, and I believe it's these things that lead to the social problems rather than the single parent family itself.

    No one plans to be a single parent, and it could happen to any of us, even the people who look down on them. If we tried to solve the problems faced by single parents, then we'd reduce alot of the teenage crime associated with them.

    I think children need loving and stable families; it doesn't matter whether that's with a traditional parents, a single parent or same-s*x parents. I do have a lot of respect for anyone who's trying to raise a child on their own; it must be incredibly difficult. :)

  3. There is a middle ground. Some single mothers are fantastic at it, others are horrible, and others are just good enough. Saying that single motherhood is fundamentally dangerous to children is both false and sexist (note that they don't say this about single fatherhood).

  4. Ignorance.

    There was a Father at one point and he took the easy road.  Hardly a reason to blame the single mother.

  5. rap music portrays violence, criminal acts, drug abuse, and promiscuity in its lyrics.

    mothers would be thought of as noble only if lil wayne didnt preach to their children on how to be like him

  6. I didn't plan on being a mother let alone a single mother. but I am and I hope and pray that I am doing the right things for my daughter. i am raising her on my own. no support no family support by myself.

    I can tell you it's scary all i wish is that some people could stop and look at the single mother see how hard they try to do the right thing. see how they are doing it alone. then I hope they will see that there are many hard working single mothers who are trying really hard. on their own.

    As for the stats yes i guess they mean something but like i said watch the mother. they want to do right. but some single mothers are just not the best they don't want or they don't care about their kids this is when you have trouble. kids need BOTH parents, but sometimes that can't be and you just keep praying and try your best but then again that's all ANY parent can do.

    Next time you see a single mother don't judge her right away. try and think what would YOU do if you had kids and you had to raise them on your own how would you feel if your told NO matter what you did as a parent your Child will grow up to be a criminal or a drug dealer or get pregnant at a young age. how would that make YOU feel?  Think about it PLEASE. God Bless

  7. There is a wide range of outcomes.

    Barack Obama was raised by a single mother.

    As are many criminals. It depends on how well the mother raises her children.

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