
Why is there such a lack of Musical Talent these days?

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Why do Artists that cant rap, sing, or perform live well get into the music industry and get so much money and appreciation when there are thousands of try-hard singers who are actually amazing and can sing dont get a break. But yet we entertain absolute c**p like Soulja Boy




  1. There's actually a renaissance of incredible talent right now but you'll never hear it on the radio or tv.  Dig deeper...

  2. I agree that most of it is c**p, but alot of them got their foot in the door by knowing someone. What happened to the artists that have sold over 100,000 copies out of the trunk of their car? It sure wasn't Ashley Simpson (awfull). For a laugh; checkout the Asian kids' parody of the Soulja Boy (garbage) song on Youtube. It's kinda funny.                              They're more entertaining than S.B.

  3. becuase for some reason every one likes that kind of stuff.

    also record companies arnt looking for musiacal talent. they have computers and they can change the music any way they want.

  4. Another thing is that people don't want to work to be good at something.You read here all the time about people who want to be famous rather than be good at something. Also, the public often want someone that they can say "I could do that" about.

  5. Because consumers want it. So the industry will provide it.

    The music industry does not exist for the art of Music. It exists to make money. There is still plenty of wonderful musical talent around in the world and plenty of people to continue making it, but your average teenager is not going to listen to a carnegie hall recording of a violin virtuoso.

  6. I blame the Amerikan mentality that says anything is OK because you don't want to hurt someones feelings by telling they the stink at singing or playing an instrument.

    Just look at these kids on here who have been playing Guitar Hero or Air guitar who are surprised they hurt their fingers when they try to learn how to play some crappy $100 guitar so they can be famous.

    Then there are the people who have absolutely NO VOICE TRAINING who arrogantly think they are so wonderful, that they should be the next star on Broadway

    And then there are the women who ALL think they are dancers

    Music in America sucks... which is why I don't live in this country full time... I only come here to play limited venues during the summer months and go home to my boat in Antigua for the other 7 months each year.

  7. Because the music industry is a business.  As long as people buy records and videos of Soulja Boy and other crappy singers, the music business will continue to promote them.

    If good singers are 50lbs overweight or look dumpy, they will never make it in the music business.  Musicians in this day must look like movie stars.  It is not right but that is how the industry is.  

    I don't know about you but I think it is sad.  There are so many people that are not "pretty" that have so much to offer people in terms of their art.  However, the American society cannot depict what is good "art" and the "business" so you get crappy singers.

  8. because untalented  people with pretty faces or a cool image are more popular these days and all the people with real talent are either shunned or are rebelling against pop culture. indie is the best example

  9. I wouldnt even call them Artists.

    They are products of the corporate owned media.

    Gone are the days of the great songwriters like Lennon , McCartney , and Bob Dylan. Even Curt Kobain.

    There are some good ones out there, but the Ashley Simpsons of the world ,far outweigh the Bruce Springsteens.

  10. It's all about a profitable product. They aren't artists to the labels, they're dollar signs. Any kind of mediocre talent with enough hype can become the biggest thing. The greatest songwriters out there aren't stupid and wouldn't sign a contract that rapes them of their money.

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