
Why is there such a large difference in energy usage?

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Why is there such a large difference in energy usage and waste production between

industrialized and non-industrialized countries?




  1. Because industrialised countries are more advanced.

  2. because of the money available to be wasted in industrialized countries.

    also because, in the US for example, the true cost of energy is not being paid.

  3. Well you answered it right there...non industrialized...

    you see in the scheme of energy consumption the big dog is Production/ Industry at a whooping 39 percent of all energy produced.

    Most people think it is transportation which is really only 28 percent.

    It breaks out like this.

    Production/ Industrial                    39 percent

    Residential                                   21 percent

    Transportation                              28 percent

    Commercial                                 18 percent

    now figure in this information...80 percent of energy consumption is inefficient and useless with only 20 percent delivered energy being productive.

    For example 86 percent of gasoline in an ICE internal combustion engine is turned into useless heat, due to evaporation before it even ignites.

    90 percent on an incandescent lights energy produces heat and not light which in return raises the temperature in your home....simplified....think of an easy bake oven, remember you can bake a cake in there with just the heat from a light bulb.

    Now 80 percent of the BTU energy that goes into electricity generation, transmission, and distribution is lost or wasted on equipment, heat loss, resistance, induction insulation loss and high loss to produce.

    If we (US) stopped buying incandescent lights. It would be like eliminating 80 continuous operation based coal-fired power plants lowering utility bills 18 billion dollars per year and reducing 158 million tons of air pollution every year.

    Here is a break down of a typical annual home energy consumption.

    HVAC                                 45 percent

    Cooking & Appliances          15 percent

    Water Heater                       11 percent

    Washer & Dryer                   10 percent

    Lighting                                 7 percent

    Fridge                                   6 percent

    TV, VCR, DVD,                      2 percent

    Dish washer                           2 percent

    Computer & Monitor                2 percent

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