
Why is there such a noticeable diversity disparity between Republicans and Democrats?

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Watching both Conventions, I've noticed a glaring disparity between the attendees of the Democratic Convention and the Republican Convention. During the Democratic Convention, there was a greater cultural diversity of the people (delegates) in attendance. The Republican Convention, on the other hand, while having a smattering of diversity caught on camera here and there, has a far more homogeneous group of people (delegates) in attendance. Why aren't both parties equally representative (50-50) of America's diversity?




  1. The republicans are a stereotype of themselves

  2. Maybe because  90 percent of blacks are voting for Obama.

  3. The republican president (Lincoln) freed the slaves. The democrats such as George Wallace wanted to keep segregation, but now the democrats want to expand government spending such as welfare and health care. This is only done by raising taxes on working people or businesses that pass on the tax in increased costs of their products. 90 percent of blacks now support Obama leaving not to many to support any one else.

  4. Because Republicans don't need hand outs and empty promises.

  5. It's easy to buy diversity via 'social programs' that seem good. Republicans won't buy people's votes in order to reach out to a cultural group because most of us don't believe in government handouts, but personal accountability.  Yet most of us also believe in charity on a personal level vice a governmental level.  So politically we get blamed for being cold when it's just not true.

  6. Many of those in the "diversity" crowd are the ones looking for handouts and the government to take care of them. Also you will find those who are attracted to the social ills of society (like drugs, illegal status, sexual confusion, etc) and want support. These people you will find attracted to Obama and the Democratic party.

    In the Republican party you will find those that believe in hard work, taking care of themselves and have loyalty to America.

  7. I watched the RNC and had never seen so many cowboy hats in my life lol

    But to answer your question.... Minorities are more likely to be liberal as liberalism focuses on an INDIVIDUAL's rights and social equality.. THAT is why Obama has the minority vote, NOT because of his race

    Response to rightstuff:  Lincoln was a racist and only freed slaves to preserve the Union, and that sir is documented fact

  8. Whites comprise every First World nation on Earth, except Japan and S. Korea.

    If you're not either white or Japanese, don't tell us how to run a country. Your people need to fix your own first.

    1st, 2nd, and 3rd World countries:

  9. Because the democrats have done a good job brainwashing minorities into thinking that they are the party looking out for them and that the Republicans aren't.  Republicans, on the other hand, believe in people looking out for themselves and lending a helping hand, rather than a handout.

    The facts are this - the democratic party is WAY more racist than the republican party, as was made obvious by Hillary Clinton's bigoted smear campaign.  It's also important to note that many civil rights leaders of our past, including Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King were Republicans - you've got people like Sen. Byrd on your side.  Today, the democratic party is satisfied with keeping minorities down - they have to in order to keep them angry so they can keep pointing to the Republicans as the party to blame and maintain their stranglehold on this voting base.  It is pure politics and it is completely disgusting.

    Sooner or later, minorities are going to wake up and abandon the racist democratic party for the party that actually cares about helping people get ahead, the REPUBLICAN PARTY.

  10. I think Kayne West said it best "George Bush hates Black people" Republicans need to bring themselves into the twenty first century and learn to see people beyond skin color or creed.  On the plus side by 2050 it is estimated whites will no longer be the dominant group in the US.  Thus the end of the GOP?

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