Why is it that in our society a woman can in a sexual manner touch a guy who does not want to be touched and is in a relationship with the girl of his dream, but if a man did the same thing he would get his arsed kicked, ive seen this recently a friend of mine getting hit on all the time by someone he has no interests in at all, and she on different occasions has tried to touch him with her perverted friends egging her on. Now for any sick men and woman that say us decent men like this your wrong!!! When your in love you do not want some other perverted persons hands on you period. But yet all security did at university was laugh at him which made him feel worse. Can you imagine if him and his guy friends did that to a girl what would security do then?That's right he would be on a sexual assault charge so please why is this double standard there when we are in 2008 and supposed to be equal!!! views please and to all the women on line which have helped if you read this thank you for your support I'm not getting at you, you are the light in this world never forget that. Its the double standard and people I'm referring to not woman as a gender. thank you