
Why is there such mystique for young women in movies?

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One of the more common themes of movies is the mystical young woman who somehow helps an older man along his path. For example, Lost in Translation, Leon (The Professional), and American Beauty.. While these relationships aren't always sexual, sexuality is certainly implied in their relationships. This is an idea that has found its way into daily life- young, sexualized women represent youth, vitality, curiosity.. Meanwhile, young males receive only a fraction of the attention and mystique (Harold and Maude comes to mind, but that's it). What is it about young women that makes them the so-called "Elixer of Life"?




  1. Men are hardwired to seek the freshest eggs.

    The freshest eggs are found in young women.

  2. Perverts

  3. Simple.

    We live in a patriarchal, paternalistic society where males beyond middle age hold most of the power. These males perceive their power as enhanced when they are shown interacting with young females because the young female represents the least powerful (not male, not old and wise), providing many opportunities for him to show his wisdom, power and prowess throughout the story.

    The Da Vinci Code is a good example. Tom Hanks does nothing extraordinary or even interesting throughout the entire movie, yet Audrey Tatou is completely mesmerized at each non-feat he performs. In fact, the entire male cast (everyone except Audrey and a briefly-appearing older nun) is over fifty except the homicidal monk played by Paul Bettany. Interestingly enough, the book doesn't describe any of the male characters as being as old as that, and clearly describes the female protagonist as in her mid-thirties, not early twenties.

    Hollywood directors and executive producers act out their own fantasies through the movies they create, simple as that.

  4. What on EARTH are you talking about?

    Brad Pitt doesn't get enough attention?

    Leonardo Dicaprio doesn't get enough attention?

    Johnny Depp doesn't get enough attention?

    Men even started wearing eye liner like Depp in 'Pirates of the Carribean'!

    These 3 young male actors are all about s*x; they - and others like them - are an entire friggn' industry; they sell fantasy, and the currency used is lust.

    And that's nothing new.  You're too young to remember 'Tiger Beat' magazine: it was nothing but boys boys boys boys pin-up posters for adolescent girls.  David Cassidy, Donny Osmond...and I've forgotten the rest.  It was Hunk-O-Rama for sexually-awakening teenage girls.

  5. An ancient notion of purity or perfection. But it could be noted those movies didn't do well in the theater to DVD sales.

          So it could be seen to show how far out of step Hollywood is.


    Some segments of society are influenced by disturbed individuals but the idea of a blanket patriarch is a feminist myth created to justify ultra rights and programs for women.

       Prohibition,abolitionist movements, and the fact who looked happier in old pictures? yeah....

  6. Mo makes some decent points but she misses one thing. the mystique (also the fact Johnny Depp isn't that young but I digress). Young guys are treated differently from young women in how they are portrayed, in fact they are probably portrayed in a far more sexist and one dimensional way as they are just presented as hunks without the mystical qualities or much else beyond being dreamy.

    I dare anyone who thinks otherwise to head on over to the celebrities section and do a search for Jonas Brothers.

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