
Why is there this insistence on dismissing youth when so many atrocities are committed by adults?

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"Rise in youth crime"

"What is happening in the youth culture today"

"No respect"

Do these Headlines not tell the whole truth..??

It was the same when I was younger,(end of the punk era )and according to the tabloid press the end of civilisation as we know it.




  1. i personaly think that crime and such is part of the youth culture, and it grows out with age, unfortunatly for some people this is not the case, and carry on commiting crimes into their old age.

    i had this conversation with my whole family at a party once, i said that teenagers only do things like this because we do not have the responsibility of a family/job etc and that we only do these things because we have nothing else to do.

    after much descution we came to the conclusion that its been like this for many many years, my dad and two uncles told me it was the same in their day, nothing to do, so they found fun for themselves, if this fun is illegal, then so be it.

    theres also that element of experimentaion with life, get all this stuff out of the way while we can, drugs, s*x and so on, and its just somthing that takes time to get over.

    its also a matter of bad judgment on one person to what they do, we are kids, we dont have the expeiriance to know what we are doing wrong and how it effects us.

    so thats my awnser, its generic, somthing that happens tto mostly everyone, bad judgment and not enough experiance to lead us to crime, as for the aduldt, its different, ill tell you what its like when i get there


  2. i agree always the same-the fear of youth is encouraged by the media-not a healthy thing and a shame for young people who are mostly law abiding like any other section of the community.

    ignore the other answerer (Ksu )-his link goes to a really vile p**n site---

  3. I am a teen, and very mature for my ages.

    I find it disgusting, and a complete atrocity that we get blamed for so much.

    Its disgusting how we now cannot be in certain places due to these high pitched 'Mosquito alarms' they are dreadful! And adults cannot hear them! >.<

    Its cruelty.

    But, in all fairness, everybody has noticed the gang of youths that now loiter around on the street corners, down alleyways and jumping innocent people, to gain 'street cred' hence why its hard to put up a good argument.

    But then, in defence of my generation..... Adults aren't setting a good example here. Are they?

    We are the future of the earth, and we are being told that we are rude, ignorent, arrogant, offensive, violent and a lost cause. Of course we are going to react in a bad way and more than likely become those labels. We have our hormones raging and will show adults 'just how bad we can be'.

    Its stupid, and down right ridicualas.

    But, humanity is in a race for perfection, and by the looks of things, we are stuck on reverse.

  4. dude its just worse if kids are killing each other then if adults are. Off course adults commit lots of crimes but the governments are trying to tackle the problem from the root, from where it starts. And it starts from childhood.

  5. the young are niave and ignorant, and there's no telling them anything.

    prove my point, give this answer a TD. :))

  6. Dunno I give up, what is the answer.

  7. Youth devience is a folk devil, used to socialise young people  and gain support for antiyouth policy. It stems from the issue that the youth are poor and the market wants commodify all aspects of culture. But youth dont have buying power. So they forge  alternative activities which for obvious reasons are harder for the market to commodify such as youth drinking. Furthermore the anger of disadvantage youth often leads to frustration and aggression becoming a part of their activities creating voilence. These are not the problems of young people but the structural problems of capitalism and industrial societies. Government would rather vilify youth and slap asbos on them to dealing with the actual social issues of young people. Its quite literally a war on youth.

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