
Why is there two different sections for religion and mythology? Aren't they the same thing?

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Why is there two different sections for religion and mythology? Aren't they the same thing?




  1. The religious section is for people who are uneducated enough to believe the mythology.  They show examples of their poor education by asking questions in which they can't spell and have terrible grammar.

  2. What a blunt question! You are fully aware there are religious people in this forum. They do not consider their religion and spiritual relationship with God to be a myth.

  3. Mythology is the stories, religion is the practise and worship of those stories. They can be the same but in many instances they are not.

  4. Translated literally, "mythology" means study of "lies," whereas "theology" means study of religion.  The term "mythology" is more of a marketing gimmick from right after the Dark Ages when scholars wanted to study Ancient Greek Culture but didn't want to offend the Church.  So, as to avoid trouble from the religious authorities of their time, they labeled Ancient Greek pagan theology as "mythology".  

    These days, we still use the term to refer to ancient religions that no one practices anymore.  Since, "mythology" does literally mean "study of lies" it's not politically correct to refer to the study of ANY religion which is still widely as "mythology".  Instead, we refer to the study of religions in general as "theology".

  5. Nope or there wouldn't be 2 sections!

  6. If the Yahoo owners wanted our respect, they'd merge the categories to Mythology/Religion & Spirituality.  Remember, wrestling used to be reported in the sports section of newspapers, now they're in the entertainment sections. If we can just make our voices be heard more and more, people will finally realize that religion is a joke.  But we can't be lazy about it, it's us versus the brainwashers.

  7. good question.

    the difference is that religion is a current belief, mythology is past belief. their content and accuracy is  similar though.  

  8. Not quite the same.  Religion is mythology which some people still believe.

  9. Basically a religion is a mythology that hasn't died yet.  Or, a religion is what you believe in while everyone else is believing in a myth, even it you believe that all religions lead to the same place/deity/deities.

  10. some religion has evedince mytholigy is fake on purpose

  11. Yeah...but Mythology deals with mythical creatures too, like unicorns, minotaurs, mudkips and batman. Religion deals with these god chaps and what they want us to do.

  12. Sadly, for many people they are the same thing.  But there is such a thing as discernment.

  13. Religion denies the myth part.

  14. No, they are not the same thing, not if you believe in your relgion.  

  15. Application of myths do not bring the 100 percent consistent, miraculous, and world-wide universal results that Christians experience no matter their race, culture, education, age, s*x, or socio-economic status when biblical faith is applied.  

  16. Of course it is BUT the theists think they're speschul cos their invisible magician who lives in the sky can do any trick you can think of ... except he won't perform on demand; he'll only perform when 'he' wants to ... sorta real haphazard about it too.

    It's almost as if 'he' doesn't exist.


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