
Why is there war? Why is there killing and fighting women and children?

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Why is there war? Why is there killing and fighting women and children?




  1. All creatures fight. Competition for dominance, food, mates. It is natural. Unfortunately,  thanks to the evolution of humankind's intellect & our use and advancement with tools, we've been able to take it to a horrific degree.

  2. Its the Human condition, who knows.

  3. Because we're all born with the worst birth defect ever inflicted upon a

    species, something both a hot tie and a non hot tie can posses, as

    well as a female or male even a child, any race creed ethnicity

    nationality a religious or non religious person, g*y straight married

    single, old young, smart or stupid, the one thing that ironically proves

    contrary to belief that all of us are created equal, one could say it's a

    very close relative to that other saying, opinions are like you know

    what every ones got one, so what is this proverbial uninvited guest or

    birth defect if you will, called? Hello boys and girls, can you say

    " Ego " 4 Mr. Rogers?, that quality that's an  inherrent part of ourselves

    so often mistaken for pride, the one than turns brother against brother

    sister against sister, husbans against wives, races and cultre groups,

    even families extended or not, alternative or not, and of course dare we

    forget the worst and 2 be sure the most dangerous situation of all,

    nations against nations . . .

    " Why is there war? Why is there killing and fighting women and

    children? " . . .

    Because we all have that proverbial little voice inside us, you know the

    one i'm talking about, the one that shrieks like a voice singing out of

    key, the one that will never go away, preventing wars and civil unrest

    and simple hatred for each other from ever truly being over when it

    should be over, even after the fat lady stops singing . . .

    peace, instead of peices . . .

  4. Human nature.  You would think we'd be smarter than that by now.

  5. Because people will never agree. Nobody likes war, but it has to take place sometimes. Like this current war, we are fighting to end freedom and protect ourselves and our neighboring allies. We were attacked on September 11th, 2001. Don't forget that.

  6. Because we don't understand in our gut what the real costs of war are.

    Because we don't understand that even the victors lose.

    Because we haven't come up with a better solution.

    I'M certainly open to suggestions.

  7. The book "War Made New" (not my book) explains why.  It is very good. /

  8. i dont know...

    i wish it would stop though

    i pray everynight that everything would be okay, no more war, no more violence, no more cheating and no more negativity...

  9. You could ask the same about religion. It all has to do with money, power, and control.  

  10. Because satan is the ruler of this system of things, he has brought about so much hate and destruction and confusion amongst us all to the point that we question who is at fault, and we tend to blame ourselves and others for the condition of things. We have to choose who we want to follow and stand-fast to it. Do we choose God or do we choose satan. I asked myself , do I want to serve God and let him bless my life or do I want to let satan continue to confuse me to do hurtful and rotten things while making me think its fun or even the thing to do.

  11. economics, scarcity of resources, greed, religion, and other reasons

  12. irrevers answered  this question

    in the other side of the coin :it is to balance the planet it is over populated ...

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