
Why is there wind in the shower?

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Whenever I turn on the water, there's this gust of wind coming from somewhere other than the window and the bathroom door -_-'...




  1. It is caused by eating cabbage.

  2. because u ate baked beans for dinner

  3. There are  two main effects.  The first is the bouyancy driven flow of warm, moist air rising and displacing cooler air, as mentioned.  The second is the induced flow right in the shower.  The air is dragged by the water spray and recirculates in the shower area.  It works no matter what the water temperature is.

    Another neat effect is the Bernoulli effect which will pull the shower curtain towards the stream of water if it's close.  The  moving air has a lower static pressure than the stagnant air behind the curtain.  The pressure difference pushes it in.

  4. The change in temperature in the air because of heat/steam rising causes the air to move around the bathroom.

  5. Wind in the shower is like wind anywhere else.  The hot/cold water changes the temperature of the air near the water, causing it to move in relation to the air around it.  The water will also be pushed by the gushing water.

  6. Wind is movement of air.When you turn on the shower you displace the air thus creating wind.

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