
Why is this Prince Harry or whatever being hailed as a hero?

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I mean, he's no more of a hero then any other soilder fighting in any of the wars. I did two tours of duty in Iraq with the U.S. Marine Corp. I had to watch a British soilder I befriended in Iraq die in front of me when he ran into a market that was being shot up by insurgurants to save an innocent Iraqi women and her child from being killed by the stray bullets.

He didn't know these people but he did it anyways because it's his job. I went to his funeral in the U.K. and never once heard the British media honor his name or call him a hero. The U.K. is so ingnorant to the war, they don't recognize their soilders unless there part of some stupid 10th century royality bull **** (I mean come on, it's 2008, WTF is with a King & Queen).

At least here in the U.S. we honor our men/women when they die in combat as all being hero's, no matter you're view on the war.




  1. i dunno. it beats me

    remember those days when he was drunken prince harry?

    he's still spoiled prince harry if you ask me. i don't know why people follow the british royalty so closely. sure they so, "oh he chose to serve his country and now he risked his life." Pffffff, yaaa go ahead and love him then. sure he CHOSE to go. but he knew that he would only be there as long as his cover was kept. and who really expected his cover to be kept a long time, huh? oh and sure he was "fighting" in Afghanistan and they say he was at the frontlines. but do you really think that hiding behind a bunker while mounting your machine gun at enemies 300 yards away is really frontline? they kept him from any serious danger. do you really think he would be sent on missions to eliminate insurgents by investigating building to building? nah.  people call him a hero because that's what sells. that's what tabloids want. he will always be drunken harry to me. i'm not very fond of the monarchy. they are no special than anyone else.

  2. Actually I am glad Prince Henry of Wales actually went to Afghanistan. Now some media attention will be given to our forgotten heroes in uniform. As you know, it can be very lonely

  3. It's just the stupid media as you stated.  He never wanted anyone to know that he was there, but it came out anyways.  The only reason he might be considered a little more of a hero than anyone else out there fighting for the freedom of others is that he is such a high value target.  Now that the enemy know that he is there they are going to be specifically targeting him.  He is in much more danger now than he was before the media leaked.  So he wouldn't be considered a hero if it wasn't for the intervention of the media.

  4. I have not seen any reports calling Prince Harry a hero.We in the UK don't  throw that word around as they do in the states. For example someone in the states was called an American  hero for breaking a hot dog eating record. By the way we don't have a King, just a Queen, once again an American shows their ignorance.

  5. Harry said the same thing in an interview that he is no more a hero then any other solider

  6. You are ignorant of Great Britain and it's history.  Prince Harry is not a hero, you are misunderstanding the media reports.  Prince Harry of his own volition offered to fight the Insurgents, Taliban, etc.    He is from a very privileged, royal, wealthy family. and he CHOSE to serve his country when he didn't have to.  He also was in the front lines, which carries more risk as you might know from your own participation.

    Talking about 10th century "bull" as you so ignorantly stated, is like saying George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin are idiots, using American history to illustrate your stupidity.

    The USA did fight a war of Independence against England, however not too long after we became allies.  Our freedom and gov't used a lot of information gleaned from Parliament and other sources to formulate our system.  So when you talk about "10th century bull" you are criticizing one of the closest of our allies whose belief system is very similar to ours, and is almost the only group we can rely on in a fight.   Allies come and go but the USA and Great Britain are wedded as no other allies that we have.   We are wedded in freedom and democracy and don't you forget it.

  7. To try and give him some street cred

    He is such an A/H

  8. Hear Hear, this royal "soldier" thing it is an insult to every REAL soldier fighting out there.  Instead of really backing the soldiers all we ever seem to hear is another excuse for us to withdraw and let the terrorists get there way.  Then when some pompous privileged social parasite is hidden away for a few weeks to let the stupid people think he has been fighting .... all of a sudden it becomes a great thing for him to do.  It makes me vomit and embarrassed for all the families who have lost someone out there.

    Your last sentence says it all!

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